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#Paranormal #DrScientist #ExtrasensoryPerception #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial





A poltergeist haunting is characterized by the violent manipulation of physical objects, such as items flying through the air. There is some disagreement among the professional community regarding what a poltergeist actually is. The most common theory is that it is the presence of a living being that brings energy to a home that a spirit, or poltergeist, uses to interact with the living.

Removing that person from the environment will end the poltergeist activity. However, if another human with a unique life energy enters that house, the poltergeist may harness this energy and continue to torment the residents of the home.

Determining the difference between poltergeist activity and ghosts or haunting activity can be difficult. While ghost and haunting activity is the result of spirit energy, poltergeist activity is the result of psychic energy generated by a person, referred to as an agent.

But how do you know there might be poltergeist activity in your home? Most often, you’ll know if you have it because it is out of the ordinary and pretty obvious: sounds, movements, and odors of unknown origin. There could be more mundane, every day causes for the activity. For example, smells of unknown origin could be wafting in from an open window, lightings flickering on and off could be faulty wiring.

Disappearing Objects

You put your set of keys or your cell phone down in the place you always put it. You turn around a minute later and it’s gone. You and your family search high and low for it, but it cannot be found. Later, sometimes days later or longer—the object mysteriously reappears in the very place you always put it. More bizarrely, you later find it in a ridiculous place, like high on a bookshelf, in a shoebox in the closet or some other spot where you’d never put it in a million years.

Objects Levitating or Thrown

You’re sitting there watching TV, totally engrossed in a dramatic movie, when suddenly the bowl of popcorn you’ve been munching from rises from the coffee table, floats through the air a few feet, then drops to the floor. The movement of physical objects like this can be quite dramatic.

Scents and Odors

No one in your house smokes, yet on occasion, the distinct smell of cigarette or cigar smoke can be detected in the bathroom. Or as you’re dressing for bed, suddenly the overpowering scent of lilacs fills the room. As stated above, all kinds of smells can enter your house from the outside, even from a passing car, so such scents might not necessarily mean poltergeist. Such scents and odors can also be a sign of ghost activity as they might be associated with a spirit or with a residual haunting.

Power From Nowhere

You think that’s odd, but you switch it off and put it back down. Thinking there’s something wrong with the switch, you open the battery compartment to remove the batteries, but there are no batteries in it.

Knocks, Rappings, Footsteps, and Other Noises

No one else is. So where’s that knocking coming from? Suddenly, all the chatter stops when everyone’s attention is drawn to the sound of footsteps coming up the basement stairs.

Physical Attacks

The constant yelling and screaming are driving her crazy. He poltergeist activity, from unexplained bangs to flying coffee pots—has been escalating at the household. It got at its worst received sharp slaps across the face, seemingly from an unseen hand.

How Do You Recognize a Poltergeist?

An experienced paranormal investigator or parapsychologist might be able to help you determine if what is taking place in your home is poltergeist activity can sometimes exhibit similar effects, or whether there is a logical, non-paranormal explanation. Various kinds of stresses can be the cause of this activity, including emotional, physical, psychological, and even hormonal stresses, and so the investigator should try to examine the personal.

Report a poltergeist? Have some poltergeist footage a cell integrated camera or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some poltergeist a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #Cadborosaurus #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial







Cadborosaurus is a sea serpent in the folklore of regions of the Pacific Coast of North America. The Inuit of Alaska has even put the picture on their canoes to keep the creature away. The Cadborosaurus by the Manhousat people who live on Sydney Inlet, in Sechelt mythology, and by the Comox band of Vancouver Island.

Cadborosaurus is said by witnesses to resemble a serpent with vertical coils or humps in tandem, hair on the neck, behind a camel-like head and long neck, with a pair of small elevating front flippers, and either a pair of hind flippers, or a pair of large webbed hind flippers fused to form a large fan-like tail region that provides forward propulsion. It could be anywhere from 20 to 40 meter long in length. There have been more than 300 claimed sightings during the past 80 years.


The descriptions place Cadborosaurus as some sort of a mammal, long, slender, and with a bifurcated tail. This suggests that it is a Basilosaurus, an ancient whale thought to be extinct. The only problem is that the head of the creature is described as a camel’s or a horse’s, while a Basilosaurus head is more like that of a snake’s. Basilosaurus is a genus of large, predatory, prehistoric archaeocete whale from the late Eocene, approximately 41.3 to 33.9 million years ago. First described in 1834, it was the first archaeocete and prehistoric whale known to science.

Giant Oarfish

The giant oarfish is a species of oarfish of the family Regalecidae. It is an oceanodromous species with a worldwide distribution, excluding polar regions. Giant oarfish is the world’s longest bony fish. Its shape is ribbon-like, narrow laterally, with a dorsal fin along its entire length, stubby pectoral fins, and long, oar-shaped pelvic fins, from which its common name is derived. There have been suggestions that Cadborosaurus could be an example of the giant oarfish. This species can reach 20 meter in length and weigh up to 300 kg, some think the red fin on the head and back of the giant oarfish resembles a camel head with mane.

Report a Cadborosaurus? Have some Cadborosaurus footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some Cadborosaurus a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #MindControl #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial


Mind Control


Mind Control


Mind Control

Mind Control is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques. Mind Control is said to reduce its subjects ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds, as well as to change their attitudes, values and beliefs.

Defined mind control as the process by which individual or collective freedom of choice and action is compromised by agents or agencies that modify or distort perception, motivation, affect, cognition or behavioral outcomes, and that any human being is susceptible to such manipulation.

Chinese, Nazi, Korean, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Canada, Japan, United States (CIA), Etc, and at the actions of cult. The cult movement applied the concept of Mind Control to explain seemingly sudden and dramatic religious conversions to various new religious movements and other groups that they considered cults. There was considerable scientific and legal debate, as well as media attention, about the possibility of Mind Control being a factor when experiments ranged from electroshock to high doses of LSD and Mescaline was used, or in the conversion of people to groups which are considered to be cults.

The CIA indirectly funded 162 different secret projects that were contracted out to various universities, research foundations, and similar institutions. In total, at least 80 institutions and 185 researchers participated, but many were unaware they were dealing with the CIA. The CIA used numerous methods to manipulate its subjects mental states and brain functions, such as the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs and other chemicals, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, and verbal and sexual abuse, in addition to other forms of torture.

Using parents and relatives to entrap members, deprogrammers commit grown adults to mental hospitals with the supposed illness of holding of a minority religious belief. Other typical deprogramming techniques include kidnapping, illegal detention, violence, psychological harassment, sleep deprivation, inducement to use alcohol and drugs, sexual seduction and rape. By such threats, harassment and manipulation, professional deprogrammers force members to renounce their faith. Many people are injured physically and psychologically because of this criminal activity.

Scientists can pinpoint the general areas of the brain where decision-making, learning, and emotions originate, but tracing behaviors to specific neurons is still a challenge. Right now, when the brain’s complex circuitry starts to misbehave or degrade due to psychiatric illnesses like addiction or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, or even natural aging, patients have only two options for medical intervention: drugs or, when those fail, implanted electrodes.

Report a Mind Control? Have some Mind Control footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some Mind Control a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #CoordinateRemoteViewing #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial


Coordinate Remote Viewing


Coordinate Remote Viewing


Coordinate Remote Viewing

Coordinate Remote Viewing was a secret U.S. Army unit by the Defense Intelligence Agency to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications, exploration of New Age concepts and the potential military applications of the paranormal.

The strongest of all of my reasons is the continuing and truly frightening cultism associated with the remote viewing field. The nature of the methods being a secret has been the primary sponsor and excuse for this to continue. The “doctrinization” of the methods has created a belief system about them being a rigid end-to-themselves. Groups and schools have, for an inordinate amount of money usually, recruited members of the public impressed by the military history of CRV, and put them in an environment which amounts to little more than cult indoctrination and has nothing whatsoever to do with any aspect of Coordinate Remote Viewing which inspired the public’s potential respect.

At the conclusion of our training, and with a number of successful operational and training projects under out belts to show that Coordinate Remote Viewing really did work, the further decision was madeto try and capture in as pure a form as possible the methodology. The reasoning was that we might never get any more out-of-house training approved, yet we needed to be able to perpetuate the methodology even after the folks with the “Institutional Memory” eventually left the unit.

The training procedure requires that the trainee learn a progressive, multi-stage acquisition process postulated to correspond to increased contact with the site. At present there are six “Stages” of training. In general, these stages progress as follows:

  • Stage I Sites: Islands, mountains, deserts, etc.
  • Stage II Sites: Sites of quality sensory value, sites which are uniquely describable through touch, taste, sound, color, or odor, such as glaciers, volcanoes, industrial plants, etc.
  • Stage III Sites: Sites possessing significant dimensional characteristics such as buildings, bridges, airfields, etc.
  • Stage IV Sites: Sites for which the trainee begins to form qualitative mental percepts technical area, military feeling, research, etc.
  • Stage V Sites: Sites for which the trainee learns to “Interrogate” qualitative mental percepts in an attempt to product analytical target descriptions, aircraft tracking radar, biomedical research facility, tank production plant, etc.
  • Stage VI Sites: Sites which involve the trainee in direct, three-dimensional assessment and modeling of the site and/or the relationship of site elements to one another, airplanes inside one of three camouflaged hangars or a military compound with a command building, barracks, motor pool, and underground weapons storage area, etc.

He distinguishes pseudoscience from science by describing it as a hypothesis inconsistent with the known laws of physics, but one which cannot be falsified. In his argues that pseudoscience tends not to be updated in the face of newly obtained evidence, and he highlights the difficulty in clearly demarcating pseudoscience from the paranormal. He also postulates that if paranormal abilities such as clairvoyance or precognition were possible. Everything is energy and energy is everything. The Universe is always speaking to you, and in this course you will learn just how to listen. Come learn the quantum perspective of the Universe by transcending space and time.

Report a Coordinate Remote Viewing? Have some Coordinate Remote Viewing footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some Coordinate Remote Viewing a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial


Alien Encounters Physical Evidence


Alien Encounters Physical Evidence

Skeptics, disbelievers, and debunkers like to say that there is no evidence to support the theory that alien creatures have visited the planet. They ignore, reject, or are unaware that the government files do contain examples of physical evidence that has been recovered.

The witness in this case, whose name was redacted in the government files. In September 1964 headed into the mountains in area of California to do some deer hunting with bow and arrow. They set up camp and then split up to go out on their own. Following a ridge line, lost his way. He realized that he would not be able to find his way back to the camp that night and decided to remain where he was.

Like many hunters who have found themselves alone in the wilderness at night, he decided that he would sleep in a tree. It raised him off the ground where the animals of the night scurried and slithered. Sitting in the tree, he noticed a white light that seemed to hover below the horizon, but in the distance. Believing it was a searchlight from a helicopter, possibly flown by rescuers or rangers. Standing among the fires, he hoped to draw the attention of whoever was piloting the aircraft, and apparently he was successful. The light turned and began flying toward him. Only after it neared did he realize that the light was not making a sound.

As light hovered between two trees some fifty or sixty yards away, realized that it was too small to be a helicopter. He could see three glowing, rectangular panels set on the vertical in a stepping-down pattern. The lights seemed to circle around until they were no more than fifty feet away. He realized that it was a UFO, threw his bow back up into the tree, and scrambled up after it. According to something came out of the second, and all I could see was a kind of flash. Something went straight down the hill pretty fast. It fell down the hill, landing on a bush. Believed that whatever had fallen was now on the ground, down the hill a short distance from him.

There was a scrambling sound, a crashing that came from the bushes, and a humanoid figure emerged from the darkness. It wore a light-colored, silver or whitish uniform with bellows at the elbows and knees. The eyes were large and dark and looked like welder’s goggles. It appeared to be doing something on the ground, and before long was joined by a second, similar creature. The two entities worked their way toward the tree and were soon standing at the base, looking up at him.

This alien was about five feet tall, just slightly taller than the humanoids that he had seen earlier at the base of his tree. The metallic being, a robot of some kind, joined the two humanoids at the base of the tree and stood staring. Eventually the robot walked over to one of the fires, swept an arm through it and then walked back to the humanoids. It put its hand to its mouth and a white vapor came out, drifting upward. He gasped for breath, and then momentarily lost consciousness, falling across his bow, which kept him in the tree.

This pattern went on for a period of time. The robotic creature would emit a mist; the witness would lose consciousness and then awaken to find the humanoids trying to climb the tree to reach him. He’d then shake the tree, and they’d get down. A second robot joined the group during the night, and just before dawn, stood face to face with the other robot. Arc flashes passed between them, lighting up the area. A fog was generated by the conversation, which rose slowly. Said he blacked out again and when he awakened, he was hanging by his belt but all the creatures, both metallic and humanoid, had disappeared. With the creatures gone, and no sign of the lights that seemed to have brought them.

Report a Alien Encounters Physical Evidence? Have some Alien Encounters Physical Evidence footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some Alien Encounters Physical Evidence a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #RoswellArtifacts #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial


The Roswell Artifacts


The Roswell Artifacts


The Roswell Artifacts


The Roswell Artifacts

On the evening of July 4, 1947 the night hugs the ground and swallows you up as you drive out of Albuquerque and into the desert. As you head east along 40 and then south along 285 to Roswell, there’s only you and the tiny universe ahead of you defined by your headlights. The black is so clear it looks like the stars shining through it are tiny windows from the beginning of time, millions of them, going on forever. On a hot summer night you can sometimes see flashes of heat lightning explode in the distance. Somewhere it is light for an instant, then the darkness returns.

It’s take of 1961 the file apart that night, even after another nondescript wooden crate that looked like something you ship in was carted. No wonder no one had really wanted anything to do with this junk, which held out the promise of a whole world we knew nothing about but that as far back as 1947, the government had decided to keep an absolute secret.

First there were the tiny, clear, single filament, flexible glass like wires twisted together through a kind of gray harness as if they were cables going into a junction. They were narrow filaments, thinner than copper wire. Then there were the thin two-inch-around matte gray oyster cracker shaped wafers of a material that looked like plastic but had tiny road maps of wires barely raised/etched along the surface.

Some were more rounded or elliptical. It was a circuit, but from the way these wafers were stacked on each other, this was a circuitry unlike any other I’d ever seen. Figure out how to plug it in and what kind of current it carried, but it was clearly a wire circuitry of a sort that came from a larger board of wafers on board the flying craft. The file descriptions accompanying a two piece set of dark elliptical eye pieces as thin as skin.

There was a dull, grayish-silvery foil-like swatch of cloth among these artifacts that you could not fold, bend, tear, or wad up but that bounded right back into its original shape without any creases. All the threads seemed to be going in one direction. The fibers had reoriented themselves to the direction I was pulling in. This couldn’t be cloth, but it obviously wasn’t metal. It of a cloth woven with metal strands that had the drape and malleability of a fabric and the strength and resistance of a metal.

A short, stubby flashlight almost with a self-contained power source that was nothing at all like a battery. When they passed an object in front of the source of the light, it interrupted it, but the beam was so intense the object began smoking. A headband, with electrical signal pickup devices on either side. It seemed to be a one size fits all headpiece that did nothing, at least not for humans. Its source of power was because it came with no batteries or diagrams. As much of the Roswell file as I could and believed that whatever happened, I was doing the right thing.

Report a Roswell Artifacts? Have some Roswell Artifacts footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some Roswell Artifacts a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #BallLightning #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial


Ball Lightning


Ball Lightning


Ball Lightning

Dr. Scientist: 8-10 year (1965-1967)

Chalet, Lake, Quebec, Canada, electric no, propane light, wood stove, 4-5 adults, 3-4 children, sunny… => Chalet inside, wood stove, stove pipes, 6” ball lightning, 15 minutes… I remember this blue, kind of fuzzy ball, chalet inside…

Ball lightning is one of the best-known natural phenomena that few have seen. Sightings of mysterious floating balls of light have captivated humanity across many different cultures, inspiring a myriad of fantastical explanations and mythical stories. Ball lightning, according to observers, manifests as a bright hissing orb of lightning ranging from 1 to 100 centimeters in diameter.

The bizarre phenomenon, also known as globe lightning, usually appears during thunderstorms as a floating sphere that can range in color from blue to orange to yellow. It’s sometimes accompanied by a hissing sound and an acrid odor.

Ball lightning has also been associated with earthquakes. The rare flashes of light sometimes seen around earthquakes can take many forms, bluish flames that appear to come out of the ground at ankle height, quick flashes of bright light that resemble regular lightning strikes, except they originate from the ground instead of the sky, and the floating orbs known as ball lightning. Researchers concluded that certain rocks tend to release electrical charges when a seismic wave hits, sparking colorful displays of light.

Another study suggests that microwave radiation produced when lightning strikes the ground could become encapsulated in a plasma bubble, resulting in ball lightning.

Another the theory that ball lightning results from a ground strike that creates a reaction between oxygen and vaporized elements from the soil. This ionized air, or plasma, the stationary glow that is sometimes confused with ball lightning.

At least one study has theorized that about half of all ball lightning sightings are hallucinations caused by the magnetic fields during storms. That said, scientists seem to agree ball lightning is real, even if they don’t yet fully understand what causes it.

Ball lightning is a well-documented phenomenon in the sense that it has been seen and consistently described by people in all walks of life since the time of the ancient Greeks. One of the recorded sightings of ball lightning occurred in 1638, when a “great ball of fire” came through the window of an English church. That and other early accounts suggest that ball lightning can be deadly. Ball lightning has been described as sometimes entering buildings and exploding, lighting the area on fire or even injuring people in its vicinity. Many observers also note a distinct sulfurous smell upon its disappearance. The phenomenon has been described across the world.

But despite all these investigations and lab experiments, ball lightning still refuses to be pinned down. Scientists say they have much to learn about the mysterious phenomenon.

Report a Ball Lightning? Have some Ball Lightning footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some Ball Lightning a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial






UFO Sightings Are Real

More than 70,000 reports on unidentified flying objects (UFO) exist in the government files, included among them are tens of thousands of pages of related material, reports, surveys, letters, and investigations that need to be reviewed and studied to gain a complete understanding of the Air Force program of UFO research.

The U.S. government recently confirmed reports by military pilots of unidentified aerial phenomena (UFO), which are more commonly called unidentified flying objects (UFO). The government also acknowledged the need to better understand UFO for the purpose of pilot safety and national security. There was no mention of aliens from other planets visiting Earth, but the possibility was not ruled out. For decades, the U.S. government has denied the existence of UFO, making this a major step.

The Foo Fighters

Though much of the literature about Foo Fighters suggests that they first appeared in the late stages of World War II, and it is true that the name Foo Fighters wasn’t used until 1944, it is also true that the sightings began much earlier than that. On February 26, 1942, just weeks after the American entry into the war, a Dutch sailor in the Timor Sea, near Australia and New Guinea, reported seeing a large, illuminated disk approaching at what he thought was an incredible speed.

Nearly every book about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) suggests that the “Modern Era” began on June 24, 1947, when Kenneth Arnold saw nine crescent-shaped objects near Mount Rainier, Washington. But the truth of the matter is that flying saucers, also referred to by many other names, were reported regularly from the beginning of the 1940s. These early manifestations were eventually labeled the “Foo Fighters”, and they were described in ways that made it clear they were much more than just blobs of light seen in the distance.

By the end of 1947, just six months after Mr. Arnold’s UFO sighting, a total of 140 newspapers from across the United States and Canada had reported on 860 UFO sightings. Flying saucers would soon become ubiquitous in comic books, TV shows and movies.

The Military Denies all Evidence of UFOs

Just two weeks after Mr. Arnold’s UFO sighting, the Air Force felt compelled to issue a statement about the crash of a military weather balloon in Roswell, New Mexico. The incident had initially been reported as a possible “Flying Disk” crash. The Air Force explanation did not have the desired effect, and “Roswell” is still synonymous with UFO and theories about government conspiracies to conceal evidence of extraterrestrial activity on Earth.

The Army did send officials to talk to Mr. Arnold, and they officially concluded that he had either seen a mirage or was hallucinating. Nonetheless, UFO sightings persisted. Given the possibility that UFOs might be sophisticated Soviet aircraft, the U.S. Air Force launched a UFO investigation called Project Blue Book in 1952. The project was shut down. For decades, the military would continue to deny any evidence of flying objects that could not be explained, which further emboldened conspiracy theorists.

The Military Acknowledges Existence of UFO

The report focused on UFO witnessed firsthand by military pilots and those registered on aircraft sensors including radar, infrared, electro-optical and weapons seekers. These sensors can provide accurate information about relative size, shape, structure, velocity and range.

All UFO incidents are expected to eventually be included in one of five categories:

  • Airborne Clutter: Birds, balloons, recreational drones, plastic bags, etcetera…
  • Natural Atmospheric Phenomena: Ice crystals, moisture, thermal fluctuations, etcetera…
  • USA or Industry Developmental Programs: Classified government programs, etcetera…
  • Foreign Adversary Systems: Advanced aircraft by countries other than the USA that use breakthrough technology, etcetera…
  • Other: UFO without enough data to be identified and alien spacecraft, etcetera…

A Recent Increase in UFO Sightings?

The vast majority of sightings can be attributed to satellites, meteors, the planet Venus, birds, bats, planes, drones and the light playing tricks on the eye or the camera lens. Serious UFO researchers know that humans are not adept at gauging the size, speed and distance of an object in the air, especially when there are no background objects for comparison.

A small percentage of UFO sightings remain unexplained, but that percentage does not change when more sightings are reported. Oftentimes, an increase in reports can be traced to UFO stories in the news. The vast majority of unidentified flying objects are definitely not due to aliens. However, astronomers estimate that there are 300 million habitable worlds in the Milky Way galaxy alone, it isn’t unreasonable to look.

Report a UFO? Have some UFO footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some UFO a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #Curandero #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial








The figure of the Curandero has existed since antiquity. They were and are treated as the chosen ones, with a gift to heal. Plants, tradition and spirituality come together to avoid conditions and pains that at other times were cause in some cases of becoming fatal diseases. In basin, two Curandero made people from different places come to their help in various circumstances. When we talk about the figure of the healers, we refer to a Curandero, a person who cures traditionally. And for this he uses both physical and spiritual means. The functions of it are to provide healing to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual diseases through herbal treatments and massages.

The originating peoples of Mesoamerica based their lives in a worldview that included both the magical-religious and what was based on careful observation and experimentation. Four were the areas that determined the origin of the disease: breaking the natural laws, the gods, signs of the calendar and human beings. Diseases were divided into two major groups: organic and those produced by supernatural forces.

Traditional medicine, as indigenous medicine was renowned, was considered primitive and exercise, practice of ignorant people. However, currently, as evidenced by studies carried out both by historians and by medical anthropologists, it continues to fulfill a function as an alternative of health, both in indigenous communities and urban areas. Today is interpreted as an option that responds to the cultural dimension.

Traditional medicine refers to both the use of herbalism and to the set of magical-religious practices that are used to serve various conditions. The Curandero continue to exercise the medical and social function of centuries, and serve from diseases of bones, stomach, heart, to emotional and supernatural as the scare.

Professionals of the medical and social disciplines have conducted studies to try to identify and analyze the role that traditional medicine developed and develops in the country’s life, the diagnostic and therapeutic resources used, the cosmovision and cultural origin that sustains it and maintains in force, The kind of relationship established between the traditional doctor and the patient, the social importance of his exercise, the medical models for his interpretation, the patient’s path in his search for health, alternation in his use, etcetera …

Curandero are simply called Sir or Lady. Most of these curators are engaged in white, that is, to do good, to heal. Some of the materials they use are: bouquets, eggs, candles, lemons, lotions, alum, coal, incense, white and red flowers, herbs, ammonia, ether, sugar, blessed water of different churches, opal, amber, oils, alcohol and fire, chile and garlic. They also pray, they use images of saints and usually cover the patient with a wet sheet or expose it to the sun.

Report a Curandero? Have some Curandero footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some Curandero a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #MalleusMaleficarum #MexicanInquisition #GrandInquisitor #Inquisitor #Witchcraft #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial


Mexican Inquisition


Mexican Inquisition


Mexican Inquisition


Mexican Inquisition

The theme inquisition and in particular the institution, name as it was known in Spain and its colonies, it is present in the Mexican collective mentality in the context of “Freedom, Oppression, Censorship, Justice And Intolerance” concepts and realities that centuries after the boom of the activities of the Holy Office still they are stirred as part of our society.

The Holy Court of Inquisition was the institution that regulated and monitored religious, moral and political behavior in New Spain. He exercised control over minds and bodies of Spaniards, Nahuas, Jewish, Muslims, Blacks, Mestizos And Mulatto for two hundred and fifty years. The Church and the State considered it necessary as part of Social Education, supporting, through penalties and public punishment, based on the social partnership of men and women, inquisitors made it respect the established rules. The documents that keeps the Inquisition Archive allow an approach not only to the transcendence of the institution in the colonial structure, but also to social relations and daily life, to the passions that triggered human lilies, permeated by unequal exercise the power.

The institution of the Inquisition as an instrument of control of society is a living issue, because although it seems distant to our realities of millennium, censorship, repression and intolerance, still throb.

Studying the Court of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, extinct in 1821, remains a topical issue. The material that enclose your files is far from being exhausted. It is an institution that can be focused from multiple points of view: ecclesiastical, human rights, of freedom, as an institution of control and power, of the history of sexuality and the history of mentalities, among others.

Palace of the Inquisition

The Palace of the Inquisition stands on the corner of República de Brasil and República de Venezuela streets in Mexico City, Mexico. As neither side of the building faces Santo Domingo Plaza, the entrance is placed at a canted corner to face the plaza. Its long association with the Inquisition made it difficult to convert to other purposes.

From nearly the beginning of the colonial period until the Mexican War of Independence, this spot has been the headquarters of the Inquisition in the colony of New Spain. While the Tribunal of the Holy Inquisition was not fully established here until 1571, the first cleric with inquisitorial duties was Martin de Valencia, who came to the colony in 1524. The Dominicans, in whom the papacy had invested Inquisition duties, arrived in 1526 and proceeded to build a monastery in the area occupied by both the current palace and the Church of Santo Domingo. The first official Inquisitor for the colony, Pedro Moya de Contreras, worked in the section of the monastery, where the palace would be built in the 18th century.

The Inquisition was officially established here due to a 1566 conspiracy led by Martín Cortés, son of Hernán Cortés, threatened to make the new colony independent of Spain. The plot was denounced by Baltazar de Aguilar Cervantes and Inquisition trials of various Creoles began. The accused were subject to torture and harsh sentences, especially when before a magistrate by the name of Muñoz. The first victims of this series of trials were the brothers Alonso and Gil Gonzalez de Alvila Alvarado. Despite having the sympathy of the local citizens and of the chroniclers, both brothers were convicted. Their punishment was to be decapitated, and their house, located on part of the site of the Templo Mayor, was razed to the ground, and the site sown with salt.

Convent of San Diego

In front of the Convent of San Diego, Mexico City, the bonfire was located in which the Inquisition condemned, renegades, witches and detrians. The paradoxes of the destination wanted one of his main monks, Fray Vicente de San José, was burned alive in Nagasaki (1622), after pretending to catechize in Japan. From the Franciscan monastery currently there are only the temple and part of the cloister.

Dr. Scientist
