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Magical Herbs (Part 1)


Magical Herbs (Part 1)


Magical Herbs

So, let’s talk magical herbs. Whether you think of them as mysterious plants that grow in the forest or the row of little bottles in your kitchen cabinet, they’re pretty useful, and they can be pretty confusing, even intimidating. What do you do with them? Which ones do I need? These herbs will help you with almost any need or problem you may have, as we shall explain. If you’re a practitioner of a modern magical tradition, chances are good that you’re in the habit of using herbs. Here’s a list of herbs that everyone should have on hand for magical purposes. Think of it as a basic Wizard or Witch’s arsenal of helpful herbs. Keep a few of these in your magical supply cabinet, just in case the need arises.


Basil is known far and wide as a culinary herb, but it also contains some interesting magical properties. In Mediterranean countries, it is strewn on floors to purify a home. It also can bring luck to people moving into a new residence, a gift of a potted basil plant guarantees good fortune. Magically, basil can be used in love magic and in love divination. Basil can also be used to guarantee fidelity, or detect the lack of it.

Bay Laurel Leaf

The Bay Laurel Leaf was awarded to only the most eloquent and victorious. In ancient Greece and Rome, crowns of Bay Laurel were awarded to those who had mastered a fine art or won an impressive military victory. Bay Laurel Leaf is a symbol of courage, talent, artistry, and most of all: victory. The Laurel was the tree of Apollo: Greek god of the Sun, wisdom, and creativity. Bay Leaves were used by the Oracles at Delphi: the leaves were cast into a fire; if they crackled, the omen was good. If they did not, the omen was bad. Recipients of a good omen were awarded a crown of Laurels. For this reason, laurel leaves are said to aid in divination, and to produce prophetic dreams. Due to their evergreen nature, laurel leaves are also a symbol of wealth.


Spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, and prosperity. Burn as an incense or use in a sachet to raise spiritual and protective vibrations, draw money, and stimulate psychic powers. A popular herb for use in charms to draw money & prosperity. Wear in an amulet to bring passion.


Carried and used in healing poppets for good health, used in love spells, worn to improve memory, used in dream pillows to prevent nightmares, burned as incense for purification and removing negativity. Wear or carry while reading or completing tasks to improve memory of the material and aid clear thinking. Use an infusion of rosemary to wash hands before any healing Witchcraft. Use in bath Witchcraft for purification.


Perhaps the most famous of magical herbs in modern times as a wort of witchcraft, surpassing even the infamous Mandrake, the delicate Mugwort is one of our most popular selections. Mugwort is used for a range of purposes, including love, healing, protection, prophecy, and dreams. The fumes of Mugwort are also an excellent offering to her patron goddess and namesake Artemis. A common ingredient in dream pillows, an infusion of Mugwort can also be used to wash one’s crystal ball or scrying mirror. Doing so will increase its power. Burning of the herb, alone or with its sister plant Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium), will heighten psychic ability, and create prophetic dreams. Carried, Mugwort will protect the bearer from all supernatural threat and bane.


Witchcraft uses include healing, health, mental powers, freedom and protection against the evil eye. Use as an asperger to cast salt water for purification of the circle or removing negativity from the home. Hang the dried herb indoors to help yourself see and understand your mistakes. Burn to banish negativity or bad habits. Add to incenses and poppets to prevent illness or speed recovery. Add to baths to break hexes and curses that may have been placed against you.


Whether you prefer it in bundle or loose-leaf form, Sage is the most popular herb there is for cleansing and removing negative energy from your space. Smudging, the ritual burning of sage, is done to clear a space or person of negative energies. If your home feels stale or sad, if an argument has taken place and the air still hums with anger, if an unpleasant energy lingers after a visitor, these are times to smudge. One may also smudge one’s self to banish anger, ailment, sadness or illness. You can smudge your home or office, participants at a ritual, new possessions whose energy you mistrust, the options are almost limitless.


Chamomile is known as an herb of purification and protection and can be used in incenses for sleep and meditation. Sprinkle it around your home to ward against psychic or magical attack. If you’re a gambler, wash your hands in chamomile tea to ensure good luck at the gaming tables. In a number of folk magic traditions, particularly those of the American south, chamomile is known as a lucky flower, make a garland to wear around your hair to attract a lover, or carry some in your pocket for general good fortune.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #BookOfShadows #WheelOfTheYear #SacredHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #Spell #Grimoires


Magic Tools


Magic Tools

Witchcraft Wood Box

Box help keep your Witchcraft stuff organized and tucked away from prying eyes. Our use them to hold altar cloth, athame, wand, chalices, candles, bell, bowl, mortar and pestle, incense burners, incense, book of shadows, crystals, herbs, etc…

Altar Table

Create a beautiful focal point for your Witchcraft with our altar table. Altar table are an excellent resource for helping people focus. You can place objects on them that help with your Witchcraft practice. Perfect for small homes on the go, this beautiful altar table can turn almost any space into your sacred space.

Altar Cloth

An altar cloth helps transform ordinary space into sacred space.


Essential tools of the Witchcraft’s altar. We have ritual knives fitting style.


A primal symbol of the Wizard or Witch will, wand are used to direct energy and cast boundaries. Unique and handmade Witchcraft wand.


A chalice is a footed cup intended to hold a drink. In Witchcraft practice, a chalice is often used for drinking during a ceremony.


Candles, candle holders, and accessories. Find the tools for your candle Witchcraft.


Wizard or Witch can’t resist the merry sound of bells and chimes.

Witchcraft Hanheld Mirror

These Witchcraft handheld mirrors are a must have.

Small Wood Or Ceramic Bowl

A small bowl that’s perfect for rings, offerings, or small quantities of herbs and salts.

Sea Salt

A versatile ingredient for cleansing and spellwork, salt belongs on every Witchcraft altar and herb cabinet. These natural air-dried salt crystals have grain that’s easy to use for your Witchcraft work.

Mortar And Pestle

The mortar and pestle is both a powerful Witchcraft symbol and a practical item for grinding herbs and incenses. It is one of the essential tools of the Wizard or Witch altar.

Incense Burners

An essential accessory for using incense and resin safely, without fear of ash dropping in unwanted places, is an incense holder or burner.

Charcoal Tablets

These charcoal tablets. The coating sparks across the charcoal surface and then should be left for a few minutes until it has started to heat through. These tablets are fast lighting, smoke-free, odorless, tasteless and long burning and means they shouldn’t interfere with the scent of the incense.


Incense is aromatic biotic material that releases fragrant smoke when burnt. The term is used for either the material or the aroma.

Herb And Herb Oil

Herb and herb oils are a time-honored ingredient in Witchcraft practice. Here you’ll find anointing oils to empower your spellwork or sweeten your environment.

Essential Oils

When only the purest will do. Essential oils are a way to add highly concentrated plant essences to your homemade formulas.

Crystals, Gemstones, Pendulum, Book of Shadows, Etc…

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Languages Spoken and Written: French, English and Spanish.

eMail: lostbeardedwhite@sassquatch.org
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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #SolitaryPractitioner #BookOfShadows #WheelOfTheYear #SacredHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #Spell #Grimoires


Witchcraft Solitary Practitioner


Witchcraft Solitary Practitioner

Many contemporary Witchcraft find that rather than joining a group, they prefer practicing as a solitary. The reasons for this as are as varied as those who walk the path, some may find that they work better by themselves. A solitary witch is one who chooses to practice their spiritual faith in the privacy of their home or other designated space.

For some people, it’s hard to make the decision to practice as a solitary. Some of the advantages of practicing as a solitary Witchcraft include setting your own schedule, working at your own pace, and not having to deal with the dynamics of coven relationships.

Regardless, there are a number of things to keep in mind if you’re considering, or have already found your way to, a path as a solitary Witchcraft. Here are five practical tips to help you on your way to successful solitary practice.

Try to establish a daily routine. It’s easy to let your studies go by the wayside if you’re all by yourself, so establishing a daily routine will help you keep on task. Whether your routine includes meditation, reading, ritual work, or whatever, try to do something each day that helps you work towards achieving your spiritual studies.

Write things down. Choose to keep a Book of Shadows to chronicle their magical studies. This is important for a variety of reasons. First, it allows you to document what you’ve tried and done, as well as what works and doesn’t work for you. Secondly, by writing down your rituals, prayers, or spellwork, you’re laying the foundation for your tradition. You can go back and repeat things that you find to be useful later one. Finally, it’s important to keep track of what you do magically and spiritually because as people, we evolve. The person you are now is not the same person you were ten years ago, and it’s healthy for us to be able to look back and see where we were, and how far we’ve come.

Many solitaries find instead that a self-dedication ritual fills that need perfectly, it’s a way of making a commitment to one’s spiritual growth, to the deities we honor, and to learning and finding our way. If you’re practicing as a solitary Witchcraft. Don’t ever stop learning, once you’ve read all your books, go find some new ones. Borrow them from the books, or check them out online from reputable sources. If there’s a particular subject you’re interested in, read about it. Keep expanding your knowledge base, and you’ll be able to continue and grow spiritually.

When it comes to celebrating rituals, the ceremonies on this site are typically designed so that they can be adapted either for a group celebration or a solitary ritual. Browse the listings for the various Sabbat rituals, find the rite you want to perform, and tweak it to meet your needs. Once you feel comfortable with ritual practice, try writing your own.

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Languages Spoken and Written: French, English and Spanish.

eMail: lostbeardedwhite@sassquatch.org
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #Litha #Midsummer #SummerSolstice #BookOfShadows #WheelOfTheYear #SacredHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #Spell #Grimoires


Litha - Midsummer - Summer Solstice


Litha – Midsummer – Summer Solstice

The gardens are blooming, and summer is in full swing. Fire up the barbeque, turn on the sprinkler, and enjoy the celebrations of Midsummer. Also called Litha, this summer solstice Sabbat honors the longest day of the year. Take advantage of the extra hours of daylight and spend as much time as you can outdoors.

The Goddess is now full and pregnant with Child, and the Sun God is at the height of His virility. This is the peak of the Solar year and the Sun is at the height of its life-giving power. The Earth is awash with fertility and fulfillment and this is a time of joy and celebration, of expansiveness and the celebration of achievements.

Yet within this climax is the whisper and promise of a return to the Dark. As the Light reaches its peak so this is also the moment when the power of the Sun begins to wane. From now on the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer and we are drawn back into the Dark to complete the Wheel of the Year.

The Bonfire

Traditionally people stayed up all night on Midsummer’s Eve to welcome and watch the sunrise. Bonfires were lit on tops of hills, by holy wells, at places held sacred, to honour the fullness of the Sun. At Litha the bonfire really represents a reflection of the Sun at the peak of its strength. The chosen wood would often be Oak and aromatic herbs were scattered into the fire. People danced around the fires and leap through them. Blazing herbs from the sacred bonfire were used to bless the animals. Blazing torches were carried sunwise around homes and fields. Coals from the Midsummer fire were scattered on fields to ensure a good harvest.

All of the flower kingdom is reaching its peak, wide open, full of colour, surrendering their perfume. Our lovely bees are now making honey. Midsummer full moon is known as the ‘Honey Moon’ for the mead made from honey now available. This is often part of handfastings performed at the Summer Solstice. Mead is regarded as the divine solar drink, with magical and life-restoring properties. Drink to celebrate and toast the life-giving abundance of the Sun.

As Litha approaches, you can decorate your home with a number of easy craft projects. Celebrate the sun’s energy with an elemental garden, a fiery incense blend, and a magic staff to use in ritual.

Feasting and Food

No Pagan celebration is complete without a meal to go along with it. For Litha, celebrate with foods that honor the fire and energy of the sun. For a Litha feast, we’ll obviously want to work in as many fresh herbs as possible. Remember that each one has its own individual magical properties, so call on those as needed. I’ve also called in some sun colors with red and orange foods. Cinnamon is ruled by the sun, so it’s definitely invited to the party. And this is the perfect time to cook with fire. Fresh vegetables of all kinds and fresh fruits such as lemons and oranges, summer squash and any yellow or orange colored foods. Flaming foods are also appropriate but especially chicken or pork. Traditional drinks are ale, mead, and fresh fruit juice of any kind and herb teas. Pumpernickel bread is also appropriate. Finally, we’ll bring in some honey to celebrate all the flowers in bloom at this time of year. Let the feast begin.

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Languages Spoken and Written: French, English and Spanish.

eMail: lostbeardedwhite@sassquatch.org
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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#LudgerBedardConsultingPrivateDetective #LudgerBedard #CouhardPyramid #Detective #Adventurer #Occult #Paranormal
#Magic #Alchemy #3DAnimation


The Couhard Pyramid


The Couhard Pyramid


The Couhard Pyramid


Owain ap Gruffydd, Nicolas, Perenelle, and Anne-Marie to the Cae’rarfau Chambered Cave.

University of Paris, University of Bologna, University of Oxford, University of Vienna, University of Heidelberg, University of Florence, University of Montpellier, University of Angers, University of Cambridge, Etc..

Ludger student could leave the university or pursue further studies in one of the higher faculties medicine, the last one being the most prestigious Doctorate Degree. Him Ludger cover many subjects including medicine, physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theatre, music, rhetoric, psychology, linguistics, historian, archaeology, economics, politics, meteorology, geology and government.


Autun knew in the founded by the Romans like Augustodunum, sister and emulator of Rome at the beginning of the reign of the Emperor Augustus, Gallo-Roman capital of the Eduens replacing Bibracte, bishopric from antiquity, autun is until the end of the 15th century a Prosperous city and an influential cultural center, despite looting and invasions.

In Renaissance Europe, philosophical interest in the remains of Greco-Roman civilization and the rediscovery of classical culture began in the late Middle Ages. Ludger, an humanist historian, created a systematic guide to the ruins and topography of ancient Autun in the early for which he has been called an early founder of archaeology.

Couhard Pyramide

This monument was undoubtedly built in the first century. Only the inner block has reached us. It was covered with a regular siding forming a pyramid and reached about 33 meter. The stone stood in one of the great necropolis of the city: the cemeteries of all Roman cities were still outside the walls. The Couhard Pyramide whose interpretation gave rise to many controversies, was therefore most likely a funeral monument: a tomb covering the remains of a deceased, or a cenotaph, celebrating his memory. The old necropolis of the “field of urns” in Autun.

The latter, who hoped to fall on an inner room, found nothing, the building being fills. The monument aroused many recalls that many saw the Druid Diviciac. The basis of the monument is found a “Magic Tablet” lead of the II century with Latin and Greek inscriptions, as well as a large cross.

Druid Diviciac

The druid is inseparable from the history of Gaul; He is part of society. Druid Diviciac stayed in Rome in the 60s-59 BCs. penetrated with Roman culture, he was the friend of Caesar. After these twenty years of training and after receiving a physical and military education, Diviciac was worthy of perpetuating the druidic tradition. The prediction and divination soon have no secrets for him, not more than the thirty-six constellations which, according to the Gauls, governed time and illustrated the conscience of men. We know the fear of the Celts that the sky does not fall on their heads on the head. This fear seems to find his explanation in the importance of these constellations.

Like other druids, Diviciac went to perfect his knowledge in the island of Ogyrie “five days of navigation of Brittany”, an island that had a reputation for being “A Lovely Sweetness”, where the gods were conversing with Humans, where “birds brought to the god ambrosia, where Saturn himself remained in a deep cave and slept under a shiny rock like gold, where the demons that surrounded him possessed the gift of prophecy”, Where the God of Druids made revelations in a dream of his disciples. These having to remain secret according to the druids, allowed knowledge to evolve and rejuvenate. As a druid, Diviciac had not only didactic functions he also exercised a religious, political, military and legal role, while acting on the advice of “Intermediary Between The Gods And Men”.

Ludger the “Magic Tablet” in the year 1457 in Couhard Pyramide in a cave.

Ludger Bedard


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #BookOfShadows #WheelOfTheYear #SacredHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #Spell #Grimoires


Book Of Shadows


Book Of Shadows

The Book of Shadows is used to store information you’ll need in your magical tradition should be handwritten. Book Of Shadows is considered a sacred tool, which means it is an item of power that should be consecrated with all of your other magical tools. In many traditions, it is believed you should copy spells and rituals into your Book of Shadows by hand; this not only transfers energy to the writer, but it also helps you to memorize the contents. Make sure you write legibly enough that you’ll be able to read your notes during a ritual. The only contents found in a grimoire would be information on spells, rituals, the preparation of magical tools, and lists of ingredients and their magical correspondences.

Organizing Your Book Of Shadows

To make your Book of Shadows, begin with a blank notebook. A popular method is to use a three-ring binder so items can be added and rearranged as needed. If you use this style of Book of Shadows, you can use sheet protectors as well, which is great for preventing candle wax and other ritual drippings from getting on the pages. Whatever you select, your title page should include your name.

The biggest dilemma with any Book of Shadows is how to keep it organized. You can use tabbed dividers, create an index at the back, or if you’re really super-organized, a table of contents in the front. As you study and learn more, you’ll have more information to include, which is why the three-ring binder is such a practical idea.

If you find a rite, spell or piece of information somewhere else, be sure to note down the source. It will help you keep things straight in the future, and you’ll start to recognize patterns in authors’ works. You may also want to add a section that includes books you’ve read, as well as what you thought of them. This way, when you get a chance to share information with others, you’ll remember what you’ve read. Regardless, find the method that works best for you, and take good care of your Book of Shadows. After all, it’s a sacred object and should be treated accordingly.

What to Include in Your Book of Shadows

When it comes to the contents of your personal Book of Shadows, there are a few sections that are nearly universally included.

  • Laws of Your Coven or Tradition
  • A Dedication, Name
  • Gods and Goddesses
  • Correspondence Tables
  • Sabbats, Esbats, and Other Rituals
  • Sacred Texts
  • Magical Recipes
  • Spell Crafting
  • Sacred Herbs
  • Magical Oils
  • Incense
  • Phases Of The Moon
  • Stones And Crystals
  • Color
  • Candles
  • Spell
  • Etc…

The Digital Book of Shadows

We’re all on the go pretty much constantly, and if you’re someone who prefers to have your Book of Shadows immediately accessible and editable at any time, you might want to consider a digital Book of Shadows. It is believed you should copy spells and rituals into your Book of Shadows by hand.

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Languages Spoken and Written: French, English and Spanish.

eMail: lostbeardedwhite@sassquatch.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#Paranormal #DrScientist #CoordinateRemoteViewing #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial


Coordinate Remote Viewing


Coordinate Remote Viewing


Coordinate Remote Viewing

Coordinate Remote Viewing was a secret U.S. Army unit by the Defense Intelligence Agency to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications, exploration of New Age concepts and the potential military applications of the paranormal.

The strongest of all of my reasons is the continuing and truly frightening cultism associated with the remote viewing field. The nature of the methods being a secret has been the primary sponsor and excuse for this to continue. The “doctrinization” of the methods has created a belief system about them being a rigid end-to-themselves. Groups and schools have, for an inordinate amount of money usually, recruited members of the public impressed by the military history of CRV, and put them in an environment which amounts to little more than cult indoctrination and has nothing whatsoever to do with any aspect of Coordinate Remote Viewing which inspired the public’s potential respect.

At the conclusion of our training, and with a number of successful operational and training projects under out belts to show that Coordinate Remote Viewing really did work, the further decision was madeto try and capture in as pure a form as possible the methodology. The reasoning was that we might never get any more out-of-house training approved, yet we needed to be able to perpetuate the methodology even after the folks with the “Institutional Memory” eventually left the unit.

The training procedure requires that the trainee learn a progressive, multi-stage acquisition process postulated to correspond to increased contact with the site. At present there are six “Stages” of training. In general, these stages progress as follows:

  • Stage I Sites: Islands, mountains, deserts, etc.
  • Stage II Sites: Sites of quality sensory value, sites which are uniquely describable through touch, taste, sound, color, or odor, such as glaciers, volcanoes, industrial plants, etc.
  • Stage III Sites: Sites possessing significant dimensional characteristics such as buildings, bridges, airfields, etc.
  • Stage IV Sites: Sites for which the trainee begins to form qualitative mental percepts technical area, military feeling, research, etc.
  • Stage V Sites: Sites for which the trainee learns to “Interrogate” qualitative mental percepts in an attempt to product analytical target descriptions, aircraft tracking radar, biomedical research facility, tank production plant, etc.
  • Stage VI Sites: Sites which involve the trainee in direct, three-dimensional assessment and modeling of the site and/or the relationship of site elements to one another, airplanes inside one of three camouflaged hangars or a military compound with a command building, barracks, motor pool, and underground weapons storage area, etc.

He distinguishes pseudoscience from science by describing it as a hypothesis inconsistent with the known laws of physics, but one which cannot be falsified. In his argues that pseudoscience tends not to be updated in the face of newly obtained evidence, and he highlights the difficulty in clearly demarcating pseudoscience from the paranormal. He also postulates that if paranormal abilities such as clairvoyance or precognition were possible. Everything is energy and energy is everything. The Universe is always speaking to you, and in this course you will learn just how to listen. Come learn the quantum perspective of the Universe by transcending space and time.

Report a Coordinate Remote Viewing? Have some Coordinate Remote Viewing footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some Coordinate Remote Viewing a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #WheelOfTheYear #SacredHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #Spell #Grimoires


Right-Hand and Left-Hand Paths


Right-Hand and Left-Hand Paths


The Origin of the Terms

The West has a long history of associating the “Right” with goodness and correctness and the “Left” with inferiority. A person’s most trusted adviser is often called his right-hand man. Until recently, left-handed children were often forced to learn how to do things with their right hand, since left-handedness was considered a developmental error.

What Are the Right-Hand and Left-Hand Paths?

Occult and religious paths are sometimes divided into two categories: the right-hand path and the left-hand path. While there are many religions and spiritual practices in each path and they vary considerably, they hold a few things in common. These terms are not void of controversy and bias, however.

What Is the Right-Hand Path?

The right-hand path concentrate on the symbols of goodness, of the sun, of herd mentality and submission to god and religious authority. To put it a little more diplomatic, the right-hand path can be thought of as one of dogma, ritual, and a belief in the community and formal structure as well as a higher power. The vast majority of religions are considered part of the right-hand path, from Christianity to Witchcraft.

What Is the Left-Hand Path?

The left-hand path is considered to be about the elevation and centrality of the self as well as the rejection of religious authority and societal taboos. The left-hand path focuses on the strength and will of the practitioner. It downplays the need for intercession by any high power although some may believe that a higher power exists. Satanism and Luciferianism are considered left-hand paths. Though each of those can also be found in left-hand path religions, there is less focus on indulging the self in the right-hand path.

Limitation and Bias of Usage

One very large limitation of this terminology is that it is primarily used by followers of the left-hand path. Satanists commonly describe their path as that of the left-hand. However, Christians, Jews, Witchcraft, Wiccans, Druids, and the like do not identify themselves as being of the right-hand path.

As such, definitions of the right-hand path tend to be phrased in fairly derogatory terms as demonstrated. In addition, many people described as being of the right-hand path would disagree to varying degrees with the definitions commonly given.

Conversely, those people who do identify themselves as followers of the right-hand path generally describe the left-hand path as a one of evil, maliciousness, and danger. In this use, the terms become roughly synonymous with white magic and black magic, two other highly biased terms.

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Languages Spoken and Written: French, English and Spanish.

eMail: lostbeardedwhite@sassquatch.org
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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#Paranormal #DrScientist #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial


Alien Encounters Physical Evidence


Alien Encounters Physical Evidence

Skeptics, disbelievers, and debunkers like to say that there is no evidence to support the theory that alien creatures have visited the planet. They ignore, reject, or are unaware that the government files do contain examples of physical evidence that has been recovered.

The witness in this case, whose name was redacted in the government files. In September 1964 headed into the mountains in area of California to do some deer hunting with bow and arrow. They set up camp and then split up to go out on their own. Following a ridge line, lost his way. He realized that he would not be able to find his way back to the camp that night and decided to remain where he was.

Like many hunters who have found themselves alone in the wilderness at night, he decided that he would sleep in a tree. It raised him off the ground where the animals of the night scurried and slithered. Sitting in the tree, he noticed a white light that seemed to hover below the horizon, but in the distance. Believing it was a searchlight from a helicopter, possibly flown by rescuers or rangers. Standing among the fires, he hoped to draw the attention of whoever was piloting the aircraft, and apparently he was successful. The light turned and began flying toward him. Only after it neared did he realize that the light was not making a sound.

As light hovered between two trees some fifty or sixty yards away, realized that it was too small to be a helicopter. He could see three glowing, rectangular panels set on the vertical in a stepping-down pattern. The lights seemed to circle around until they were no more than fifty feet away. He realized that it was a UFO, threw his bow back up into the tree, and scrambled up after it. According to something came out of the second, and all I could see was a kind of flash. Something went straight down the hill pretty fast. It fell down the hill, landing on a bush. Believed that whatever had fallen was now on the ground, down the hill a short distance from him.

There was a scrambling sound, a crashing that came from the bushes, and a humanoid figure emerged from the darkness. It wore a light-colored, silver or whitish uniform with bellows at the elbows and knees. The eyes were large and dark and looked like welder’s goggles. It appeared to be doing something on the ground, and before long was joined by a second, similar creature. The two entities worked their way toward the tree and were soon standing at the base, looking up at him.

This alien was about five feet tall, just slightly taller than the humanoids that he had seen earlier at the base of his tree. The metallic being, a robot of some kind, joined the two humanoids at the base of the tree and stood staring. Eventually the robot walked over to one of the fires, swept an arm through it and then walked back to the humanoids. It put its hand to its mouth and a white vapor came out, drifting upward. He gasped for breath, and then momentarily lost consciousness, falling across his bow, which kept him in the tree.

This pattern went on for a period of time. The robotic creature would emit a mist; the witness would lose consciousness and then awaken to find the humanoids trying to climb the tree to reach him. He’d then shake the tree, and they’d get down. A second robot joined the group during the night, and just before dawn, stood face to face with the other robot. Arc flashes passed between them, lighting up the area. A fog was generated by the conversation, which rose slowly. Said he blacked out again and when he awakened, he was hanging by his belt but all the creatures, both metallic and humanoid, had disappeared. With the creatures gone, and no sign of the lights that seemed to have brought them.

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Dr. Scientist


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #WheelOfTheYear #SacredHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #Spell #Grimoires


Wizards And Witches


Wizards And Witches


Wizards And Witches

Wizards and Witches are people thought to possess magical powers or to command supernatural forces. They appear in the myths and folktales of many cultures. The word “Wizard” refers to a male, “Witch” refers to a female. Some myths and folktales feature good spirits or magicians who help people. These are said to practice “White Magic”. Wizards and Witches might be considered helpful characters or even heroes. Very often there are magicians whose sole purpose is to combat evil magic or protect someone from its effects.

Another common symbol across many cultures is the Stick or Wand used by a Wizard or Witch; this is often a tree branch or something made of wood or bone, and symbolizes the importance of nature in channeling magic. Considered to be more attuned to the supernatural. Many of the practices which have been labelled magic can be performed by anyone. For instance, some charms can be recited by individuals with no specialist knowledge nor any claim to having a specific power. Others require specialised training in order to perform them.

The figure of the Wizards and Witches has existed since antiquity. They were and are treated as the chosen ones, with a gift to heal. Plants, tradition and spirituality come together to avoid conditions and pains that at other times were cause in some cases of becoming fatal diseases. When we talk about the figure of the healers, we refer to a Wizards and Witches, a person who cures traditionally. And for this he uses both physical and spiritual means. The functions of it are to provide healing to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual diseases through herbal treatments and massages.

Traditionally, the most common method of identifying, differentiating, and establishing magical practitioners from common people is by initiation. Several proponents of solitary practice have advocated and promoted the act of “self-initiation”, a process by which an individual professes in private their commitment to and worship of a particular deity.

The concept of witchcraft and the belief in its existence have persisted throughout recorded history. It has been found at various times and in many forms among cultures worldwide, and continues to have an important role in some cultures today. Most societies have believed in, an ability by some individuals to cause supernatural harm and misfortune to others. This may come from mankind’s tendency to want to assign occurrences of remarkable good or bad luck to agency, either human or superhuman. Which differs from the historical, traditional, and Indigenous definitions depictions of “Positive Witchcraft”.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother

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