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Magical Jewelry


Magical Jewelry

Jewelry consists of small decorative items worn for personal adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Jewelry may be attached to the body or the clothes, and the term is restricted to durable ornaments, excluding flowers for example. For many centuries metal, often combined with gemstones, has been the normal material for jewelry, but other materials such as shells and other plant materials may be used. The basic forms of jewelry vary between cultures but are often extremely long-lived; in European cultures the most common forms of jewelry listed above have persisted since ancient times, while other forms such as adornments for the nose or ankle, important in other cultures, are much less common. Historically, the most widespread influence on jewelry in terms of design and style have come from Asia.

Jewelry may be made from a wide range of materials. Gemstones and similar materials such as amber and coral, precious metals, beads, and shells have been widely used, and enamel has often been important. In most cultures jewelry can be understood as a status symbol, for its material properties, its patterns, or for meaningful symbols. Jewelry has been made to adorn nearly every body part, from hairpins to toe rings, and even genital jewelry. The patterns of wearing jewelry between the sexes, and by children and older people can vary greatly between cultures, but adult women have been the most consistent wearers of jewelry; in modern European culture the amount worn by adult males is relatively low compared with other cultures and other periods in European culture.

Form and Function

Humans have used jewelry for a number of different reasons:

  • Functional, generally to fix clothing or hair in place.
  • As a marker of social status and personal status, as with a wedding ring.
  • As a signifier of some form of affiliation, whether ethnic, religious or social.
  • To provide talismanic protection (in the form of amulets).
  • As an artistic display.
  • As a carrier or symbol of personal meaning such as love, mourning, a personal milestone or even luck.
  • Superstition.

Wearing of amulets and devotional medals to provide protection or to ward off evil is common in some cultures. These may take the form of symbols (such as the ankh or celtic shield knot), stones, plants, animals, body parts, or glyphs. I design every piece intending to cast a spell over the customer and transport him to another world. By way of enchanting earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, and much more, I wish to provide expressions of my passion, making them accessible to everyone everywhere.

This pendant was created with the intention to open the crown allowing the life energy of the universe to charge our physical bodies. Magical Jewelry is amethyst opens the crown while clear quartz cleanses the energetical body. Wearing this pendant is advised when feeling drained. Great to have during meditation. This pendant was created with the intention to solidify the connection with intuition as a primary guide in our essential manifestation. Magical Jewelry is carnelian awakens the intuitive powers, allowing us to surrender to the unknown by facilitating a healthy blood flow. Wearing this pendant is advised during periods of automatism and stagnation.

The strongest arsenal of powers is it may be the best Magical Jewelry gemstone ever found to harbor one is psychic abilities. There are stories of people touching the stone for the first time and experiencing out of this world visions that have greatly contributed to their lives.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


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Witchcraft Morality

Witchcraft Morality

Witchcraft Morality is largely expressed in the Witchcraft Rule: “Do what you like so long as you harm none” – it is usually interpreted as a declaration of the freedom to act, along with the necessity of thinking through and taking responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions. “None” can apply to only the self, or it may include animals and / or plants, and so forth. In essence, the Rule can be fully understood as meaning that one should always follow their true will instead of trying to obtain simple wants and to ensure that following one’s will does not harm anyone or anything. In this light, the Rule can be seen as encouraging a Witchcraft to take personal responsibility for their actions.

The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as you want to be treated. It is a maxim that is found in most religions and cultures. It can be considered an ethic of reciprocity in some religions, although different religions treat it differently.

The maxim may appear as a positive or negative injunction governing conduct:

  • Treat others as you would like others to treat you (positive or directive form)
  • Do not treat others in ways that you would not like to be treated (negative or prohibitive form)
  • What you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself (empathetic or responsive form)

Another element of Witchcraft Morality is expressed in the Law of Threefold Return, which is understood to mean that whatever one does to another person or thing, benevolent or otherwise, returns with triple force. Opinions differ on whether the form taken by the return of harmful actions might include bad reputation, revenge by others, negative emotional states, an uneasy conscience, poor luck, malign magical influences, something resembling the Hindu concept of Karma, or some combination of some or all of these, and also on to what extent the number three should be interpreted poetically rather than literally.

A common belief amongst Witchcraft is that no magic, even of a beneficent nature, should be performed on any other person without that person’s direct informed consent. This stems from the understanding that it would interfere with that person’s free will and thus constitute “Harm”. “Love Spells” are very much frowned upon by the greater Witchcraft community for precisely this reason.

Charge of these being mirth, reverence, honour, humility, strength, beauty, power and compassion. Describing this Witchcraft as “A Joyous Religion”. It asserted that the “General Meeting Of All Members Of The Witchcraft”. At the former, magical rites were performed both for malevolent and benevolent ends. The concept of ethical reciprocity is not explicitly stated, but most Witchcraft interpret to imply the Golden Rule in the belief that the spirit of the Rule is to actively do good for one’s fellow humans as well as for oneself.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


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A grimoire, also known as a “Book Of Spells” or a “Spellbook” is a textbook of magic, typically including instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets, how to perform magical spells, charms and divination, and how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such as angels, spirits, deities, and demons. In many cases, the books themselves are believed to be imbued with magical powers, although in many cultures, other sacred texts that are not grimoires, such as the Bible, have been believed to have supernatural properties intrinsically. The only contents found in a grimoire would be information on spells, rituals, the preparation of magical tools, and lists of ingredients and their magical correspondences. In this manner, while all books on magic could be thought of as grimoires, not all magical books should be thought of as grimoires.

A Grimoire is, appropriately enough, a description of a set of magical symbols and how to combine them properly. Most of the texts linked below are descriptions of traditional European ritual magic, which is based on Judeo-Christianity. Even though this must not be confused with Neo-Paganism, many of the Neo-Pagan traditions use similar rituals and techniques, albeit with a different, usually Celtic, vocabulary. True grimoires contain elaborate rituals, many of which are echoed in modern Witchcraft rites. Sources for the information in the various Grimoires include Greek and Egyptian magical texts from 100-400 A.D. and Hebrew and Latin sources. Grimoires were used much more by sorcerers, wizards, and witches.

This likely had an influence upon books of magic, with the trend on known incantations switching from simple health and protection charms to more specific things his figure was associated with writing and magic and, therefore, of books on magic. This was often incorporated into the popular magic of the average people and, in particular who were professionally involved in magic:

  • Relationships and love
  • Prosperity and money
  • Serenity and protection
  • Means to avoid various inconveniences
  • Cooking recipes
  • Recipes for daily life, such as “a soap for faces”
  • Means to improve agricultural efficiency
  • Etc…

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #MagicalGemstone #BookOfShadows #WheelOfTheYear #MagicalHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #MagicSpell #Grimoires


Magical Gemstone


Magical Gemstone

A gemstone is a piece of mineral crystal which, in cut and polished form, is used to make jewelry or other adornments. However, certain rocks and occasionally organic materials that are not minerals are also used for jewelry and are therefore often considered to be gemstones as well. Most gemstones are hard, but some soft minerals are used in jewelry because of their luster or other physical properties that have aesthetic value. Rarity is another characteristic that lends value to a gemstone. Magical Crystals and Gemstones are often used in magical rituals and worn for their color and properties said to be possessed by that Crystals and Gemstones.

Gemstone is eternal and lasts for a lifetime. Each stone has a Gemstone to tell and beneficial properties that can enrich the lives of those who use them. Carry your intentions with you at all times. Wearing gemstones will bring awareness to your daily purpose, and you are more likely to get inspired to achieve it and lead a meaningful life. Select your favorable gemstone to influence your energy field in ways that you choose intentionally.

Our deep connection with the universe often involves relating ourselves to the elements with which we share that same universe. And of all the entities with which we share this singular planet, its stones and minerals have been used since time immemorial by kings, magicians, shamans, fortune tellers and other powerful people for their own purposes. And some are chosen simply for their own rarity and beauty.

Regardless of the metaphysical powers, we may attribute to these minerals, their energies, magical or psychic powers, their ritual or healing uses, they can still capture the imaginations as symbols, and as brilliant treasures cloaked in stories and myths. As but pieces of our planet, into them, we’ve deposited our purest fantasies and metaphors, and for this reason alone, of course, they can be called magical.

The Magic movement has introduced different gems to guide us in our unique journeys. Most of the stones are just too riveting to not be in the mainstream spotlight. Mainly named as the greatest psychic gemstone harmonizes all the different energies of our biological and spiritual makeup. It helps in the distribution of nutrients in our body while washing toxins away and healing digestive system disorders.

As for the emotional aspects, it is known to calm and soothe the heart. With its balancing energies, the wearer does not express or repress the emotion, but rather simply trust the Higher Will. Because it can pinpoint emotional patterns that had become bad habits, it can also filter volatile thoughts and replace it with a more balanced approach.

The wearer a flash of feeling and compassion to one’s self that ultimately brings inner happiness. Since it’s also linked to the feminine energies, it amplifies our intuitions. It is mostly used by women to enhance their psychic powers. As for men, the crystal makes them more in-sync with their feminine nature to bring an equilibrium to their emotional and rational sides.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


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Incense is an aromatic biotic material that releases fragrant smoke when burned. The term is used for either the material or the aroma. Incense is used for aesthetic reasons, aromatherapy, meditation, and ceremony. Incense is composed of aromatic plant materials, often combined with essential oils.

Direct-burning incense is lit directly by a flame and then blown out; leaving a glowing ember that smolders and releases a smoky fragrance. Direct-burning incense is either a paste formed around a bamboo stick, or a paste that is extruded into a stick or cone shape.

Combustible bouquets were used by the ancient Egyptians, who employed incense in both pragmatic and mystical capacities. The purpose of the usage of incense stick varies; some human beings use it for the duration of meditation and rituals.

From the dawn of times, incense has always been widely used throughout the world as it represented an essential element for religious rituals and spiritual practices in general.

But spiritualism aside, the reason why incense is still now a big thing is that apparently it also has great beneficial effects: its smell can indeed significantly change the air and therefore the energy of our environment and for this reason, we might want to be extra careful when searching for the right one for our purposes.

From the dawn of times, incense has always been widely used throughout the world as it represented an essential element for religious rituals and spiritual practices in general.

This is by far the most common one: as we said, this type of incense can be directly ignited, and as soon as the flame is extinguished it generates a light smoke, diffusing a pleasant fragrance into the air. Each stick has a specific burning time that may vary according to its form and ingredients. As a general rule, a stick of incense should usually last between 50 and 90 minutes.

Direct Burning Incense

Moreover, some examples of direct burning incense include:

  • Sticks
  • Coil incense
  • Incense cones
  • Powders

Burning incense is not simply part of a millenary tradition, but it’s indeed a fantastic way to enrich, cleansing the air around us, gifting us with gentle, mystic notes of pure delight.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


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Samhain is a Witchcraft religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. In modern times, Samhain is usually celebrated from October 31 to November 1 to welcome in the harvest and usher in “The Dark Half Of The Year”. Celebrants believe that the barriers between the physical world and the spirit world break down during Samhain, allowing more interaction between humans and denizens of the Otherworld.

Samhain is one of the major festivals of the Wheel of the Year, for many Witchcraft the most important festival of all. It is the third and final harvest festival of nuts and berries and a fire festival. All the harvest is in, all is complete, it is the end of the cycle of birth and growth, it is the point of death. The seeds of the harvest have fallen deep into the dark earth, they are unseen, dormant, and thus apparently lifeless.

Ancient Celts marked Samhain as the most significant of the four quarterly fire festivals, taking place at the midpoint between the Mabon and the Yule. During this time of year, hearth fires in family homes were left to burn out while the harvest was gathered. After the harvest work was complete, celebrants joined with High Priest to light a community fire using a wheel that would cause friction and spark flames. The wheel was considered a representation of the sun and used along with prayers. Cattle were sacrificed, and participants took a flame from the communal bonfire back to their home to relight the hearth.

The God, as Sun King is sacrificed back to the land with the seed until the Yule, and the Goddess, now as Crone, mourns Him until His rebirth at Yule. He travels the Underworld learning its wisdom. This is the time of the descent into darkness, of pre-conception, out of which new life, new ideas, will eventually emerge. Traditionally the veils between the worlds are at their thinnest now. Boundaries dissolve and all is laid bare. It is time to honour and offer hospitality to, our ancestors.

At Samhain the dark half of the year commences. It is a truly magical time. Death is always followed by rebirth and while this is the end of the old year, it is the beginning of the new year. For the Celts the day did not begin at dawn, it began at sunset, it began with darkness. Light is always born out of darkness, they are inseparable, interdependent, and necessary. Darkness is fertile with “All Potential”. With the beginning of this dark phase comes the opportunity to rest and reflect on the past and to dream of new beginnings. The seed now hidden in the earth will germinate in its season. Look for the seeds in yourself.

Honouring The Ancestors

Honouring your ancestors is a very special thing to do at this time and can be done in many simple ways. Think about all those departed souls from your life, both family and friends, children may wish to remember pets even, place photographs of them on your altar. Offer them your hospitality, welcome their presence into your home. At your Samhain festival, consider laying an extra place for them to join you at the table, cook and eat their favourite dishes, talk about them, remember them, bring them closer. You and your children can make an offering for departed pets by leaving some dog food outside on Halloween night, many night creatures appreciate this offering. Be careful what you put outside, we used to put out bread and milk.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


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Magic Candle



A candle is a solid block of wax with an embedded ignitable wick that provides light, and in some cases, a fragrance. It can also be used to provide heat, or as a method of keeping time.

For a candle to burn, a heat source, commonly a naked flame, is used to light the candle’s wick, which melts and vaporizes a small amount of fuel the wax. Once vaporized, the fuel combines with oxygen in the atmosphere to ignite and form a constant flame. This flame provides sufficient heat to keep the candle burning via a self-sustaining chain of events: the heat of the flame melts the top of the mass of solid fuel, the liquefied fuel then moves upward through the wick via capillary action, the liquefied fuel finally vaporizes to burn within the candle’s flame.

As the mass of solid fuel is melted and consumed, the candle becomes shorter. Portions of the wick that are not emitting vaporized fuel are consumed in the flame. The incineration of the wick limits the exposed length of the wick, thus maintaining a constant burning temperature and rate of fuel consumption. In modern candles, the wick is constructed so that it curves over as it burns. This ensures that the end of the wick gets oxygen and is then consumed by fire, a self-trimming wick.

Magic Candle

In Witchcraft and related forms of the candle is frequently used on the altar to represent the presence of the God and Goddess, and in the four corners of a ritual circle to represent the presence of the four classical elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. When used in this manner, lighting and extinguishing the candle marks the opening and closing of the ritual. The candle is also frequently used for magical meditative purposes. Altar candles are traditionally thick tall candles or long tapers which are available in many colors. In Witchcraft, the candles that are used come in a variety of colors, depending on the nature of the ritual or custom at hand. Some Witchcraft may use red, green, blue, yellow and white or purple candles to represent the elements.

Using candles in magic based on Witchcraft beliefs is known as “Sympathetic Magic” in that it is believed the candle represents the outcome the person is wanting. It is a “Like Attracts Like” form of magical practice. For example, if a person is looking for a job or needs extra income a green candle would be used. For romance, a red candle would be used red is a universal color of love and hearts. There is an additional belief that the smoke from the candles will take the prayer requests, desires, or wishes up to the gods.

If you’re just starting to explore Witchcraft, you’ve gotta “Let It Burn”. Candles are a staple item in any magical tool kit. They’re used to amplify and release energy, and they can either be left unlit around your pad to promote positive vibes or used lit in rituals and spells.

Magic Candle is driven by the element of fire, which represents transformation. Fire changes everything it interacts with, whether it’s turning a love letter into ashes. This transformational energy is what you’re channeling in Magic Candle, encouraging and accelerating changes in your life.

The act of burning is believed to connect the physical world to the spiritual realm, but the other key element here is about using different candle colors. This is called color magic. Different colors store different types of energy, and this is what we’re trying to access when we burn a candle of that color. Burning candles is an easy way to access that color’s energy, but it’s not the only way.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


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Spirit Guide Coyote


Spirit Guide Coyote

Sly like a fox, fierce like a wolf, and persistent as can be, the coyote is one of nature’s most cunning creatures. It’s no wonder, then, that so many cultural traditions see the coyote as the consummate trickster. While wolves can rely on their physical prowess, the much smaller coyote must be sneaky, stealthy, and smart in order to satisfy its appetite. Amongst humans, this canine often gets a bad rap. Coyotes are known to intrude into yards and snatch unattended pets on occasion. It’s important, though, that we remember that this majestic animal was here long before any of the homes or gardens where it is now so unwelcome.

Coyote’s are intelligent, sociable, and tenacious. Look beyond the coyote’s nuisance reputation and you’ll find an animal that is both fascinating and beautiful. Read on to learn more about the meaning of the coyote.

In general, coyotes symbolize cleverness, cunning and intelligence. The coyote is known for its wiliness and guile. In some instances, this clever nature imbues the coyote with positive symbolism. Some think of the coyote as intelligent and adaptable. In other cases, though, the coyote’s cunning is seen as the mark of a coward. The trickster coyote is sometimes thought of as an underhanded cheating type.

One of the most distinctive traits of the coyote is its voice. Throughout North America, the coyote can be heard howling and yipping, especially in the evening. The sounds of the coyote are often thought of as haunting or eerie, however many find them to be beautiful. Coyote yips are often interpreted as sounding like peals of laughter. Coyotes, then, can represent communication, playfulness, and expression. Coyotes are known to form monogamous pairs which bond to one another fiercely. Bonded coyote pairs are observed to separate only when one of the pair dies. As such, the coyote can be connected with loyalty, faithfulness, and romance.

Dreaming of a howling coyote may indicate a need to express oneself creatively. Coyotes are incredibly vocal and unafraid to share what’s on their minds. Make sure you are being authentic with yourself and not stifling areas of your personality.

Dreaming of a pack of coyotes may signify loneliness. Coyotes defend their territories in packs which are socially complex and consist of many monogamous pairs. Dreaming of such a pack may indicate a desire to find your own “Pack” to run with.

The coyote totem animal is associated with cycles and transitions. This totem often connects people with their youth and reminds them that growing up means growing into oneself not out of the child you once were. The coyote totem is potent in those who work with children and teens as this totem animal is empathetic and gifted at healing and easing others through life’s transitions.

The coyote power animal is associated with shapeshifting and fluidity. People with the coyote power animal cannot shapeshift literally, but they do have the ability to intuit, understand, and then imitate the behaviors that others expect of them.

The power of the coyote comes from the ability to know oneself and to accept and embrace change. With these too tools in one’s arsenal, learning to be a highly adaptable version of oneself is a simple matter. This adaptability helps the coyote power animal navigate life’s challenges with fluidity and grace. In that respect, I find coyotes quite admirable.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


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Magical Oils


Magical Oils

Magical Oils plants in the form of oil and incense were elements of religious and therapeutic practices in early cultures worldwide. In addition, anointment with perfumes and fragrant oils was an almost universal practice. In some folk magic traditions, Witchcraft Magical Oils can be used for both anointing people and objects, such as candles. In some magical systems, such as various forms of Witchcraft, candle dressing oils are also used to anoint the skin, so many oils are blended in a way that is skin-safe. This way, they can be used for dressing candles and charms, but also can be worn on your body.

Using an eyedropper, add the Magical Oils in the recipes. Be sure to follow the recommended proportions. Swish the Magical Oils into the base oil by swirling in a clockwise direction. Finally, consecrate your oils if your tradition requires it. Make sure you store your oil blends in a place away from heat and moisture. Keep them in dark-colored glass bottles, and be sure to label them for use. Write the date on the label, and use within six months.

There are a number of ways you can use your oils in a ritual setting. They are often rubbed on candles for use in spellwork, this blends the powerful energies of the oil with the magical symbolism of the candle’s color and the energy of the flame itself.

Magical Oils are used to anoint the body. If you are blending an oil to use for this purpose, be sure that you’re not including any ingredients that are irritating to the skin. Oils applied to the body bring the wearer the energies of the oil. Finally, crystals, amulets, talismans and other charms may be anointed with the Magical Oils of your choice. This is a great way to turn a simple mundane item into an item of magical power and energy.

A good place to start is with 8 ounces oil per 8 tablespoons herb or flower. Remember a little oil goes a long way. You can use Mineral Oil or some other neutral carrier oil to absorb the scent and properties of the herb. It is helpful to visualize the purpose for which you are making the oil throughout the process or you can say a little chant pertaining to that certain oil while making it to add more of your energy and power to it. It is important that you cap the jars tightly or you will have moldy mixtures. Remember the darker the bottle, the better your oil will keep. Add tincture of benzoin to preserve your oils.

Pour your oil into your mortar. Add your herb a little at a time, pressing it into the oil with your pestle. After you have combined it well, pour it into a bottle. Store the bottle in a dark, consecrated place for three days. On the fourth day check oil to see if it has absorbed enough of the scent.

You can repeat this process of scenting your oil until its as strong as you desire. When the scent is right for you it is ready for use in your spellwork. Strain with cheesecloth, store in tightly capped dark glass bottles with a little tincture of benzoin to preserve.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


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Magic Spell


Magic Spell

An a spell is a magical formula intended to trigger a magical effect on a person or objects. The formula can be spoken, sung or chanted. These are so very important, for one must have all the proper things needed for a spell. You may possibly need magical herbs, colored candles, magical oils, magic tools and of coarse the proper spell. The herbs, colored candles and oils are specific ones that are associated with that type of spell.

Magic is a way of life for many of us, and more and more people like to learn more about the subject and perform their own spells. Learning magic is a lifelong quest, but everybody can do it. It can help you become a better human being and if you live by its main principles you can make an impact on the universe and make it a better place to live.

Magic spell words uttered in a set formula with magical intent. The correct recitation, often with accompanying gestures, is considered to unleash supernatural power. The language of spells is sometimes archaic and is not always understood by the reciter. In some cases meaningless but familiar terms are believed to be efficacious because of their traditional value. Much magical language is clearly and directly correlated with the aim of the recital. In symbolic statement by analogy it represents and foreshadows the technical achievement, and metaphor and simile are freely used.

In blessings which are similar types of verbal expressions, the efficacy of the recitation is also believed to be connected to the magical power of the words themselves or to the sacred power of a supernatural being. Certain gestures as well as words may be bound up with the act of blessing, as in putting one’s hands on the head of the person being blessed.

Remember, for a spell to work both you and the spell Wizard or Witch have specific duties. The spell Wizard or Witch has to be properly trained in the arcane, and must have sufficient powers to effectively cast the spell. He must first prepare himself spiritually, meditate on what he is trying to accomplish and then purify himself and whatever implements and ingredients he will use and then cast the spell for you. In return you must prepare yourself by following the instructions we send you, and meditate while visualizing the outcome of the spell and wish to the bottom of your soul for the spell to work. This last part is as important as the spell itself as without this the most powerful Wizard or Witch cannot influence the universe to help you if you do not have the will to make it happen.

As with any magical work the effects of the spell can be immediate or take time to happen. It all depends on the current level of the spiritual energy, the exact description of your needs, and you concentration and determination to have the spell come through.

Spells have two distinct phases, the first one concentrating on gathering in power, the second on releasing it. Spells have two distinct phases, the first one concentrating on gathering in power, the second on releasing it, with focused intent, in a particular direction.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother
