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The Sassquatch's Lair

Modern Spirituality

Transcendentalism and Unitarian Universalism

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) was a pioneer of the idea of spirituality as a distinct field. He was one of the major figures in Transcendentalism, an early 19th-century liberal Protestant movement, which was rooted in English and German Romanticism, the Biblical criticism of Herder and Schleiermacher, and the skepticism of Hume. The Transcendentalists emphasised an intuitive, experiential approach of religion. Following Schleiermacher, an individual’s intuition of truth was taken as the criterion for truth. In the late 18th and early 19th century, the first translations of Hindu texts appeared, which were also read by the Transcendentalists, and influenced their thinking. They also endorsed universalist and Unitarianist ideas, leading to Unitarian Universalism, the idea that there must be truth in other religions as well, since a loving God would redeem all living beings, not just Christians.


An important influence on western spirituality was Neo-Vedanta, also called neo-Hinduism and Hindu Universalism, a modern interpretation of Hinduism which developed in response to western colonialism and orientalism. It aims to present Hinduism as a “homogenized ideal of Hinduism” with Advaita Vedanta as its central doctrine. Due to the colonisation of Asia by the western world, since the 19th century an exchange of ideas has been taking place between the western world and Asia, which also influenced western religiosity. Unitarianism, and the idea of Universalism, was brought to India by missionaries, and had a major influence on neo-Hinduism via Ram Mohan Roy’s Brahmo Samaj and Brahmoism. Roy attempted to modernise and reform Hinduism, from the idea of Universalism. This universalism was further popularised, and brought back to the west as neo-Vedanta, by Swami Vivekananda.

Theosophy, Anthroposophy, and the Perennial Philosophy

Another major influence on modern spirituality was the Theosophical Society, which searched for ‘secret teachings’ in Asian religions. It has been influential on modernist streams in several Asian religions, notably Neo-Vedanta, the revival of Theravada Buddhism, and Buddhist modernism, which have taken over modern western notions of personal experience and universalism and integrated them in their religious concepts. A second, related influence was Anthroposophy, whose founder, Rudolf Steiner, was particularly interested in developing a genuine Western spirituality, and in the ways that such a spirituality could transform practical institutions such as education, agriculture, and medicine.

The influence of Asian traditions on western modern spirituality was also furthered by the Perennial Philosophy, whose main proponent Aldous Huxley was deeply influenced by Vivekanda’s Neo-Vedanta and Universalism, and the spread of social welfare, education and mass travel after World War Two.

Important early 20th century western writers who studied the phenomenon of spirituality, and their works, include William James, The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902), and Rudolph Otto, especially The Idea of the Holy (1917). James’ notions of “spiritual experience” had a further influence on the modernist streams in Asian traditions, making them even further recognisable for a western audience.

“Spiritual but not religious”

After the Second World War spirituality and religion became disconnected, and spirituality became more oriented on subjective experience, instead of “attempts to place the self within a broader ontological context.” A new discourse developed, in which (humanistic) psychology, mystical and esoteric traditions and eastern religions are being blended, to reach the true self by self-disclosure, free expression and meditation.

The distinction between the spiritual and the religious became more common in the popular mind during the late 20th century with the rise of secularism and the advent of the New Age movement. Authors such as Chris Griscom and Shirley MacLaine explored it in numerous ways in their books. Paul Heelas noted the development within New Age circles of what he called “seminar spirituality”: structured offerings complementing consumer choice with spiritual options.

Among other factors, declining membership of organized religions and the growth of secularism in the western world have given rise to this broader view of spirituality. The term “spiritual” is now frequently used in contexts in which the term “religious” was formerly employed. Both theists and atheists have criticized this development.

Luc Paquin

Some people with aphasia may have trouble thinking of the word that they want to write, even though they know the meaning or message that they want to communicate. In this case, the person will not be able to write the word or say it, because they cannot think of the word itself. We have all experienced this kind of problem, often called “tip of the tongue”. You know the name of a person, place, or object, you can picture it clearly, you can describe it, but you just can’t think of the name of it. When this happens to you, you can neither say the word nor write it.

In other cases, the person with aphasia may know the word that they would like to write, and they might be able to say it, but they can’t write it. In this case, the sounds that need to be put together to say the word are accessible, but the spelling of the word is not. This may seem odd to those of us without aphasia. Our abilities to pronounce words and write them are so closely intertwined that it is hard for us to imagine being able to do one but not the other. But that is what can happen in aphasia.

Sometimes certain kinds of information about the word is available. Sometimes a related word might end up being written, for example, writing “apple” when you want to write “banana”. Other times the person with aphasia might be able to write the first letter, or draw slots for how many letters are in the word, or write the first and last letters, but make mistakes on the remaining letters. In this case, preserved information about what the written word looks like is there, but it’s not complete.

Some people with aphasia might write extra letters or words, or even write down non-words.

Finally, some people who have a nonfluent type of aphasia might be able to write some words but omit “little” words or have more trouble with verbs. They will have more trouble writing sentences.


Classical, medieval and early modern periods

Words translatable as ‘spirituality’ first began to arise in the 5th century and only entered common use toward the end of the Middle Ages. In a Biblical context the term means being animated by God, to be driven by the Holy Spirit, as opposed to a life which rejects this influence.

In the 11th century this meaning changed. Spirituality began to denote the mental aspect of life, as opposed to the material and sensual aspects of life, “the ecclesiastical sphere of light against the dark world of matter”. In the 13th century “spirituality” acquired a social and psychological meaning. Socially it denoted the territory of the clergy: “The ecclesiastical against the temporary possessions, the ecclesiastical against the secular authority, the clerical class against the secular class”. Psychologically, it denoted the realm of the inner life: “The purity of motives, affections, intentions, inner dispositions, the psychology of the spiritual life, the analysis of the feelings”.

In the 17th and 18th century a distinction was made between higher and lower forms of spirituality: “A spiritual man is one who is Christian ‘more abundantly and deeper than others’.” The word was also associated with mysticism and quietism, and acquired a negative meaning.

Luc Paquin

Parchment Mk01

Parchment Mk02

Parchment Mk03

This calligraphy parchment paper has a fine surface texture that is excellent with inks. Specially designed for calligraphic projects. Parchment paper is ideal for invitations, certificates, stationery and student artwork. This collection of parchment-toned paper includes dozens of sheets in assorted tints, each with a smooth surface for even, fluid ink flow.

More durable than ordinary paper and imbued with a pale cream color, this heavy parchment pack is perfect for the rigors of spellcraft.

Use it in Journals if your pages are wearing out or you need to add some pages to it!!!

Write spells or Sabbats Recipes. This is Heavy Good Quality Parchment Paper.

Magical Uses:

This parchment can be used for many things including, creating your own spell work, spell magic for rituals to placed in your BOS, Book of shadows, for ceremonies & incantations & Scrolls. Also can be used a journal or diary pages.

This is True spell parchment not just colored paper or thick vellum board.

The Lost Bearded White Brother

Make the Connection

Taking the path less traveled by exploring your spirituality can lead to a clearer life purpose, better personal relationships and enhanced stress management skills.

Some stress relief tools are very tangible: exercising more, eating healthy foods and talking with friends. A less tangible – but no less useful – way to find stress relief is through spirituality.

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality has many definitions, but at its core spirituality helps to give our lives context. It’s not necessarily connected to a specific belief system or even religious worship. Instead, it arises from your connection with yourself and with others, the development of your personal value system, and your search for meaning in life.

For many, spirituality takes the form of religious observance, prayer, meditation or a belief in a higher power. For others, it can be found in nature, music, art or a secular community. Spirituality is different for everyone.

How can spirituality help with stress relief?

Spirituality has many benefits for stress relief and overall mental health. It can help you:

  • Feel a sense of purpose. Cultivating your spirituality may help uncover what’s most meaningful in your life. By clarifying what’s most important, you can focus less on the unimportant things and eliminate stress.
  • Connect to the world. The more you feel you have a purpose in the world, the less solitary you feel – even when you’re alone. This can lead to a valuable inner peace during difficult times.
  • Release control. When you feel part of a greater whole, you realize that you aren’t responsible for everything that happens in life. You can share the burden of tough times as well as the joys of life’s blessings with those around you.
  • Expand your support network. Whether you find spirituality in a church, mosque or synagogue, in your family, or in nature walks with a friend, this sharing of spiritual expression can help build relationships.
  • Lead a healthier life. People who consider themselves spiritual appear to be better able to cope with stress and heal from illness or addiction faster.

Discovering your Spirituality

Uncovering your spirituality may take some self-discovery. Here are some questions to ask yourself to discover what experiences and values define you:

  • What are your important relationships?
  • What do you value most in your life?
  • What people give you a sense of community?
  • What inspires you and gives you hope?
  • What brings you joy?
  • What are your proudest achievements?

The answers to such questions help you identify the most important people and experiences in your life. With this information, you can focus your search for spirituality on the relationships and activities in life that have helped define you as a person and those that continue to inspire your personal growth.

Luc Paquin

Some people with aphasia have difficulty processing the written words that they see.

It is possible for a person with aphasia to look at one word, for example, “fork”, and think of a spoon or something else related to “fork”. Another kind of problem is to look at a written word and fail to recognize it in any meaningful way. For example, a person with aphasia could look at a written word like “fork” and not be able to think what it means. In these cases, it is helpful to add additional written information, gesture, or pictures, to help reading comprehension. Compare the following two statements: “Get the spoon” and “Get the spoon – the one for soup”. In the second statement there is additional information that may help trigger the correct meaning of the target, “spoon”. Even though the second statement is longer, it provides redundancy which helps comprehension.

Some people with aphasia have trouble recognizing the letters. Letters may look like strange squiggles; the individual letters themselves may have lost their connection to meaning. Again, additional information provided either through writing, gesture, speech, or pictures, can help the person understand the written word.

Other types of aphasia affect reading comprehension because verb forms and small “functor” words like prepositions and articles have lost their meaning. In this case, a person with aphasia would have more trouble understanding a sentence that is longer and more complex than a simpler sentence.

It is important to note that silent reading comprehension is different than being able to read out loud. Many people with aphasia can understand written words and sentences but be unable to read them out loud. We are used to teaching children to read by hearing them read out loud, and estimating their ability to read through how well they can do so. This is not the same in adults with aphasia who were able to read prior to their stroke or brain injury. It is important to test these two skills – silent reading comprehension and reading out loud – separately.


Smith & Wesson Boot Knife Mk01

Smith & Wesson Boot Knife Mk02

Smith & Wesson Boot Knife Mk03

Smith & Wesson Boot Knife Mk04

Smith & Wesson Boot Knife Mk05

Smith & Wesson Boot Knife

Smith & Wesson Boot Knife with Stainless Steel Blade 4 7/8″ 440C fixed blade, double edged boot knife. Handle made of stainless steel. 9 1/8″ overall length. Includes black leather boot sheath with pocket clip. Black rubberized handle with lanyard hole. Black leather belt/boot clip sheath.

  • 4 7/8″ blade
  • 9 1/8″ overall
  • Stainless steel blade
  • Brass
  • U.S.A.
  • Full tang black rubber handle
  • Double edged spear point blade
  • Comes with a black boot leather sheath

The Sass


There is no single, widely-agreed definition of spirituality. Surveys of the definition of the term, as used in scholarly research, show a broad range of definitions, with very limited similitude.

According to Waaijman, the traditional meaning of spirituality is a process of re-formation which “aims to recover the original shape of man, the image of God. To accomplish this, the re-formation is oriented at a mold, which represents the original shape: in Judaism the Torah, in Christianity Christ, in Buddhism Buddha, in the Islam Muhammad.”

In modern times the emphasis is on subjective experience. It may denote almost any kind of meaningful activity or blissful experience. It still denotes a process of transformation, but in a context separate from organized religious institutions, termed “spiritual but not religious”. Houtman and Aupers suggest that modern spirituality is a blend of humanistic psychology, mystical and esoteric traditions and eastern religions.

Waaijman points out that “spirituality” is only one term of a range of words which denote the praxis of spirituality. Some other terms are “Hasidism, contemplation, kabbala, asceticism, mysticism, perfection, devotion and piety”.


The term spirit means “animating or vital principle in man and animals”. It is derived from the Old French espirit which comes from the Latin word spiritus (soul, courage, vigor, breath) and is related to spirare (to breathe). In the Vulgate the Latin word spiritus is used to translate the Greek pneuma and Hebrew ruah.

The term “spiritual”, matters “concerning the spirit”, is derived from Old French spirituel, which is derived from Latin spiritualis, which comes from spiritus or “spirit”.

The term “spirituality” is derived from Middle French spiritualité, from Late Latin “spiritualitatem” (nominative spiritualitas), which is also derived from Latin spiritualis.

Luc Paquin

Altar Mk01

Altar Mk02

Altar Mk03

Altar Mk04

Altar Mk05

Altar Mk06

A Wiccan altar is a “raised structure or place used for sacrifice, worship, or prayer”, upon which a Wiccan practitioner places several symbolic and functional items for the purpose of worshiping the God and Goddess, casting spells, and/or saying chants and prayers.

Altar Items

The altar is often considered a personal place where practitioners put their ritual items. Some practitioners may keep various religious items upon the altar, or they may use the altar and the items during their religious workings. According to Scott Cunningham, a popular Wiccan author, the left side of the altar should be considered the Goddess area; feminine or yonic symbols such as bowls and chalices, as well as Goddess representations and statues should be placed on the left. The right side is designated for the God; phallic symbols such as the athame and the wand are placed to the right side, as well as God statuary and his candle. The left and right associations vary according to personal preference, but the center area is almost always considered the “both” area, or the working area. In the center of the altar are kept the main symbols of the Wiccan faith, such as the pentacle.

Some Wiccans arrange their altars to represent all four elements and directions. In the North the earth element is represented; in the east is air, in the south is fire, and in the west water. These elements can be represented in various ways, but generally do not vary in elemental and directional correspondences. When placing items on an altar or when “calling on the elements” (a practice involving inviting the elements to be a part of the circle and lend their power) a practitioner will move deosil (clockwise or sunwise) and when dismissing the elements they will move widdershins (counter-clockwise).

Some of the items represent the Earth’s four elements, but elements may be represented more literally, with gems, salt, water, plant material, insect casings, etc.

Opening Of Circle

Walking clockwise from East.

By the air that is her breath
By the fire that is her bright spirit
By the living waters of her womb
And by the earth that is her body
The circle is cast,

Tie the knot of the circle

So Mote It Be!

Open The Circle

First cut the knot.

Walking counterclockwise from East.

By the air that is her breath
By the earth that is her body
By the living waters of her womb
And by the fire that is her bright spirit
The circle is open but not unbroken.
May the joy of the Goddess live in our hearts
Merry Meet,
Merry Part,
And Merry Meet Again!

The Lost Bearded White Brother

Chapter 13

Lynor guided Ludger through the forest. By nightfall they were halfway to Elvanor. Ludger was in awe of the majestic trees of the forest. They stood widely separated at the base, but their crowns were touching high overhead. This left the travellers in a constant penumbrae, with the occasional shaft of sunlight coming through. Ludger felt that he was driving inside a giant cathedral, with living columns supporting the ceiling. The further they went in, the less snow was present. By nightfall the last vestiges of winter had been left hours behind. They set camp on the spongy soil. Dregnar lit a fire to chase the coolness of the evening. Lynor explained.

“The closer we will get to Elvanor the warmer the temperature will be. The spell protecting the capital also maintains its temperature to a constant 75oF all year long. The city is always green and comfortable without any extremes of temperature.”

Ludger silently called Bacchus to him, as they revelled in stories from Lynor and Balnor. He looked down at his dog and silently asked.

“Do you like it here?”

“I feel even better here then when we were at home.”

“I noticed the same thing myself. This is truly a magnificent place. I almost wish we could stay here and forget about Magdar and all the fighting. I never expected that we would have to constantly fight for our lives.”

“Why don’t we? We have done enough for them. All I want is a warm place by the fire and a good hunt occasionally. As long as there is food and someone to pet me, I would be in heaven.”

“You dogs are all the same. As long as you are fed and cuddled, you don’t care about anything else. But it is my duty to help these people because I fear that even here Magdar will eventually extend his influence.”

“You humans are all the same, you cannot forget about duties and such. You can’t revel in the simple pleasures of life with a clear conscience. You are truly an inferior species.”

With this, Bacchus closed her eyes and promptly fell asleep on his lap. Ludger grinned broadly and admired the narrow-minded philosophy of his dog for its utter simplicity.

The next morning they made an early start. By midday they had reached Elvanor. Ludger stopped the Samurai at the edge of the clearing where the colossal tree-city stood. The squat tree of titanic breath stood with sunlight streaming through its enormous branches. Portals were opened amongst it gnarled roots. A colourful array of elves was milling through them. The canopy of the tree was full of multi-coloured family dwellings.

Lynor pointed to one of the portals. Ludger slowly advanced in its direction. He had never seen anything so utterly amazing in his entire life. He was driving with his face glued to the windscreen. As they approached the foot of the colossus, a crowd of cheerful onlookers gathered around the truck. Ludger was forced to slow down to a crawl, to prevent any injuries. Tall elves in green and crimson guard uniforms parted the crowd in front of them, to permit their entrance into the tree-city. They were escorted to a high ceiling room, that was quickly cordoned off by more guards. A youngish looking elf in tracker’s greens joined the guards. With a smile Lynor pointed to his younger brother, Prince Symor.

They exited the confines of the truck and were warmly greeted by Symor. Introductions were made and concern was showed for Lynor’s ankle. He declined any help for the long walk into the city. They followed Symor up a long staircase carved into the bulk of the tree. As they went the young Prince explained the layout of the city.

“Underground and at forest level are mostly storage, heavy industry and stables. Further up there is two levels of commercial bazaars and tradesmen shops. They are followed by a few levels of communal accommodations.”

They reached a large esplanade at the level of the first branches. Symor continued.

“These lower branches are also used for communal living. Further, in the periphery of the canopy are the family dwellings of the upper classes and the rich merchants. Also the nobles of the court reside there. The royal palace is in the centre.”

At the core of the canopy stood, in the delicate interweaving of smaller branches, the royal palace. To Ludger it looked like a delicate bejewelled piece of lace all festooned by greeneries. It was surrounded in the thicker branches by the elven institutes of higher learning. What made the scenery more beautiful was that it was all composed of the living tissues of the tree-city. A glorious architecture had evolved, it was part art, part science and part life itself. The smoothly flowing organic curves of the city could never be duplicated out of man-made materials.

They passed through a serene reflective garden. They reached a delicate archway leading to an ornamental pool, in the centre of which stood a graceful gazebo. A narrow bridge connected the gazebo to the garden in which they stood. One by one they crossed the bridge. They were ushered into the gazebo-cum-audience room. In the airy structure, made out of weaved branches, stood or more accurately grew, out of a dais, twin thrones on which were seated a tall handsome couple of regal bearing. To their right was seated Princess Nathalia, their guest of honour.

Nathalia was staring at Ludger with a cold, calm look with a touch of resentment thrown in. Ludger returned the stare and slowly examined her. Her face had the exotic beauty of a high fashion model. Wide set green eyes, high cheekbones, a delicately chiselled nose and a wide, lushly lipped, sensual mouth. Her dark red hair had a metallic sheen to it. It was brushed straight past her shoulders.

She was dressed in a shiny black, sleeveless sheath, that was moulded to her athletic body. She had strong shoulders and long powerful hands. Her breasts stood proud and upthrust against the shiny fabric. A long slit down one side of her dress revealed a tantalizing glimpse of a long, muscular thigh and a shapely calf.

Ludger turned his attention to the royal couple. They were dressed in identical long gowns of white silk. A thin band of gold circled their high forehead. Ludger was somewhat self-conscious dressed in dirty battle stained clothes, his chainmail covered body bristling with weapons. He felt like a barbarian invited by mistake to high tea at the Queen’s.

He was brought back to reality by Lynor whispering to him, to state his case to the King. Ludger stepped forward, cleared his throat and declared in a clear voice.

“Your Royal Highnesses, I am Ludger of the Mist of Dream, special envoy of His Royal Highness King Arexis of Talenthar.” As she heard this, Nathalia’s face was lit by a broad smile. All the coldness evaporated from her eyes. Ludger continued. “The reasons for my presence here are twofold. First, I was to make sure that Her Highness, Princess Nathalia, was safe and sound.”

He turned toward Nathalia and continued.

“I am pleased that she managed to reach Elvanor unscathed. Her brother and I are deeply relieved.” He turned back to the King. “Second, I am to request, in the name of King Arexis, your help against our common foe, Magdar.

Two week from tomorrow morning at exactly 06:00, the combined forces of King Arexis, from the east, and of Kurden McNish from the northeast, will launch an attack against Magdar’s army in front of the Gates of Dooms.

King Arexis would appreciate it if you could form the third prong in the assault, by sending some soldiers from the south. Also I will need a guide to the Mist of Dreams. I will fetch some special equipment that I need to cross the Plains of Ice, on my way to the Great Dam. I am intent in destroying its lock and releasing the flow of the river.”

Ludger bowed his head and stepped back into the awaiting group. The King looked at him with gentle eyes and said.

“My dear Sir Ludger, I see that you have travelled a long way to reach us. You should rest until tomorrow morning. We will meet at 10:00 and I will give you my answer. In the meantime enjoy our city. My son Symor will show you to your quarters.” He saluted with a nod and continued. “Now I will talk with my son, Lynor.”

Symor took Ludger by the elbow. He led him out of the audience room. Balnor, Dregnar and Bacchus followed. When they reached the other end of the reflective garden, footmen took charge of Balnor and the troll. They were escorted toward the university. Bacchus looked at Ludger, then at the troll. She then ran to catch up with Dregnar.

Ludger shrugged his shoulders and followed Symor into the middle of another garden. A large branch emerged from the middle of a circular meadow. Steps were carved on its upper face. They gently rose to a tree-house that grew out of the branch amongst a canopy of leaves. Ludger followed the Prince up the stairs. They entered the small house. Ludger’s possessions were neatly arranged against one of the walls.

All of the main furnishings grew out of the smooth rounded surfaces of the room. They glowed from the polished, light coloured wood. Ludger pointed to the large bed. He asked Symor.

“How do you make furniture grow out of the floor, or for that matter a house grow out of a branch?”

“It is all done by selective pruning and training, aided by our special brand of magic. Our priests and gardeners can make our tree-city grow into any useful shape. All that you see is not carved or machined out of the wood, it is grown that way. A chair is grown then harvested for use.”

“This is amazing.”

“Our city is the repository of the countless souls of our past Kings. It is alive. Even the plumbing are done via the trees own circulatory system.” He pointed to a doorway at the far side of the room. “Behind that door is the washroom. Food will be brought to you around 19:00. Feel free to visit the royal gardens in the meantime.”

Symor left him alone in the room. Ludger slowly removed his weapons and his chainmail. He undressed and walked into the washroom. He stepped into the shower and luxuriated under the powerful stream for a long time. He looked at himself in the mirror, as he dried himself with a thick towel. He was in better physical shape than he had ever been, but his body was covered by an amazing patchwork of bruises. He brushed his hair and beard. They were getting longer than he had ever let them grow. They gave him a certain primeval look, shades of the barbarian, again.

He rummaged through his bags and found a light cotton pullover and a pair of thick sweat pants. He pulled them on and slipped into a pair of leather soled moccasins. He left the house for a stroll through the wonderful gardens. He was soon joined by a rather short elf, dressed in a red felt outfit.

He introduced himself as Professor Meldor. He walked silently with Ludger for a while. He then hesitantly said.

“I was meditating yesterday and was contacted by my friend Andrack. He told me to expect you and to help you with your meditation exercises.”

“It is very nice of you to offer your help. I was wondering why I felt so much at ease in this city? Could it be that I am more in sync here, or that this place’s make-up is close to my own world?”

“The aura of this city is probably close to that of the part of your world that you have brought with you. You should try to visualize the auras. I will help you with the procedure.”

They sat down on a park bench and Meldor continued.

“You first have to achieve transcendence. Then you concentrate on the essence of an object or a person. Then you visualize it. It will be expressed by different colours.” He reached into his pocket. “Here are a few objects of different manufacture. This piece of silver was forged and engraved by the dwarves. This small obsidian amulet was given to me by Andrack. This iron star was forged by black magic. The amulet around your neck was made by me.”

Ludger removed the small piece of carved jade from around his neck. He gave it to the elf. Meldor placed the four small objects on the wooden bench between them. He then said.

“Now please vacate your mind.”Ludger sat cross-legged on the bench, facing the elf. He concentrated. “When you reach the third stage, concentrate on the essence of the objects. Visualize the objects and their essence around them…. Now open your eyes and look at them.”

Ludger slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the collection of small objects laid out in front of him. The small piece of silver was shining bright red, the jade had an emerald glow, the obsidian was in a milk-white cloud and the iron star was lost in blackness. His own arm was glowing a brilliant blue. He let his concentration wane and the auras soon faded. He discussed the process with Meldor for an hour. They then parted company.

Ludger resumed his aimless walk through the gardens. He heard the sound of a scuffle coming from behind a high growing hedge. He rushed to an opening in the shrubs. He was greeted by the sight of Nathalia and a short, round faced, blond haired girl practising a form of martial arts.

They were both dresses in identical outfits consisting of white tights and matching loose fitting tank tops. The short haired girl, which he assumed was Maria, was fighting a studied and concentrated bout that she was easily leading. Nathalia had great spirit but was fighting with her heart, not her mind. She was more often than none putting herself in trouble with her wild attacks. Ludger observed with great interest until a break in the action.

He said with a grin, startling the girls in the process.

“Your Highness, you should not attack wildly like you do. You leave yourself open for a counterattack. Use your mind, analyze your opponents then use their powers against them.”

Nathalia replied with a shriek.

“You, like all of my teachers, want me to fight like a woman, delicately. I want to fight like a man, and prove myself.”

“You can fight properly and survive in combat, or, as you say, like a man and end up a dead woman. Let me show you.” He bowed to them. “Would you please attack me, you and your friend.”

Ludger prepared himself. As they launched themselves at him, he used fluid movements to counter their attack and redirect their power. They tumbled away from him time after time. During all this he kept instructing them. After a time they took a break and sat on the lawn. While the women were catching their breath, Ludger, fresh as a daisy, said.

“As you both have just experienced, fighting with discipline can be very effective. It might be less exciting and the romance of fierce combat may be lost, but you will survive to fight another day.”

As he continued his lecture, his concentration was put to a supreme test by the closeness of the two young women’s glistening bodies. Just as the sight of their bouncing breasts under their thin camisole had distracted him during combat. He realized, as they were talking, that the only thing that he really missed from his world was his tri-weekly sessions with his sensei, Master Yakumi. Strangely enough he had not thought about the most important person in his life, his old Master, since he had entered this world.
Ludger had been orphaned when he was eight. His uncle and aunt raised him. They were always travelling and did not have all the time they should have given him. They soon realized that the boy needed direction in his life. They enroled him in Master Yakumi’s school. Ludger had been studying under the care of his sensei since then. His mind drifted back to the philosophical and technical discussion at hand.

He stood up and sparred with Nathalia. She had learned quite a bit, but was too often tempted by heroic manoeuvres. During such an attempt he flipped her over his side with a simple hip movement. He followed her fall and ended up straddling her midriff holding her wrists in his hands. He looked at her straight in the eyes. He lowered his head until their foreheads almost touched. He said to her in a stern tone.

“Your Highness, if you remember only one thing from today, please do not fight so often with your heart, use your head. I have a feeling that one day it might mean the difference between your life and death. It might buy you enough time to use a mistake of your opponent to your advantage. Please listen to me.”

A deep voice coming from the edge of the clearing startled them.

“Your Highness, please listen to this man, he knows what he is preaching, for your own sake.”

They quickly scrambled back to their feet. They came face to face with a tall, strongly built elf. He introduced himself as Keldor, King Valnor’s Chief-of-Arms. Nathalia stormed, furiously, out of the enclosed meadow. Maria followed chuckling softly. The Princess obviously did not like to be disgraced in front of an audience.

The tall elf looked inquisitively at Ludger and said.

“What is the trouble with the young lady?”

“She does not like loosing a fight.”

“You have learned much from your sensei, Master Yakumi. He would be proud to see you teach. You have done well.”

Ludger replied with disbelief.

“How do you know about Master Yakumi? I have not told anyone in this world about him.”

“It is a long story. Over twenty years ago, when Magdar started to play with black magic. King Valnor was afraid that the balance of powers in the universe could be ultimately affected. Some of our best teachers searched the universe with their mind, using meditation, looking for other entities that could respond to our alarm. A few minds were reached. They were advised to prepare for an eventual disturbance in the fabric of the universe. Nothing specific was envisioned but our plea was heard.

Your sensei was one of those few minds that were reached, He told me that he was training a special student for such an eventual fight. I am glad that faith has brought this student to us.”

“Are you telling me that I have been trained for this fight all of my life?”

“Not for this specific battle. But in general terms you were moulded to respond well to the challenge at hand. When Andrack unwittingly brought you to our world, you could not have been better trained to respond effectively.”

This news shocked Ludger. The elf continued.

“Would you like to meet your sensei? I could try to bring his essence into me. You could train with him while I meditate.”

Ludger mumbled.

“Of course I would.”

The elf sat crossed-legged on the ground. He extended his arms to the sky, then clasped his hands high above his head. He brought his hands to the level of his chest. He started to chant in a strange lilting tongue.

Ludger followed suit and sat in front of the elf. He achieved transcendence. He concentrated on Keldor’s aura. At first it was bright green, then it slowly changed to a shade of blue that was growing deeper by the minute. Keldor’s shape started to waiver. It reduced to the shape of an elderly japanese man.

Master Yakumi opened his eyes. And exceptional smile brightened his face when he saw Ludger. He looked around and took in the strange surroundings. He said.

“It is good to see you, Morton san. I have been told that you have been doing well in this world. You have been erased from our own. Not a trace of your presence in our world remains, except in my heart.”

“It is good to see you too. Your lessons are the only things that I really miss from our world.”

“Then we should proceed.”

Master Yakumi touched his forehead to the ground. Ludger did the same. They stood facing each other and bowed their heads. They started an elegant ballet with a deadly purpose. The two men fought like they never had. Ludger was holding his own better than usual. At the end of the fight he managed to pin his sensei for the first time in the more than two decades they had been together.
Ludger helped him up. They bowed. As was common practice after their sessions, they sat cross-legged in front of each other and discussed the fight. After a while the talk wound down. Master Yakumi continued.

“You realize that now that you have defeated your sensei, student must become teacher, himself. I wish you good luck. Keldor assures me that we can meet again, when you come back to visit him. I am proud of you, Morton san.”

Yakumi bowed until his forehead touched the ground. Ludger did likewise. After his sensei’s shape filled up to Keldor’s he realized, for the first time since he had entered this world, that he was here to stay. When he straightened back up, tears were rolling down his cheeks.

He thanked the elf master, stood up and bowed. He silently walked back in the general direction of his quarters. When he left the hedged meadow, he saw from the corner of his eyes two furtive shapes disappear. He did not pay any attention to them. His mind was a nest of conflicting emotions and ideas. He ran into Dregnar who was out walking Bacchus. The troll inquired.

“Master Ludger, what is wrong? You look ill.”

Ludger forced a smile.

“Nothing, Dregnar, I have just finished a long workout and I feel very tired. It should pass after I take a long shower.”

The troll did not insist, but Bacchus did not let this pass. She gave him a long look. She communicated sarcastically to him.

“From the look on your face I figure that you have finally realized that we are here to stay. Come on, its not that bad. The food is great, there is always a nice fire to relax in front, the females of your species seems to find you attractive. So what if we have to fight once in a while to earn our keep. It is better than working in that smelly city, in that noisy office of yours and… I saw that Princess, the fringe benefits are much better here.”

Ludger patted his dog on the head. With the attention span typical of her species, she ran after Dregnar, who had continued his walk. Ludger shook his head and muttered to himself.

“She might be right… she might be right. But why have I inherited a dog with aspirations of becoming a philosopher?”

When he reached his tree-house, he rapidly climbed the stairs and went in. The first thing that he noticed was that his clothes had been cleaned and were laid out on his bed. He found his boots, well polished in an alcove behind a curtain. His chainmail and sword seemed to glow in the shadow of the closet. He put away his clothes, took a fresh tracksuit from his luggage and went to take a shower.

When he emerged, refreshed, from the washroom, a young maid was serving dinner on a table, by a window overlooking the gardens. Some crisp vegetables, an exotically spiced cut of meat, bread and cakes were laid out on a pewter platter. A bottle of deeply coloured red wine and a fine crystal glass accompanied the food. The maid ceremoniously bowed and left the room silently.

Amongst the objects laid out on the table was a slim volume entitled: THE WORLD ITS AURA AND YOU. An essay by Professor Meldor of Elvanor University (E.U.). Ludger smiled and put the book on the table for later reading. He sat down and proceeded to do justice to the meal.

His dinner was interrupted by a soft knock at the door. He uttered in a loud voice.

“Come in.”

Maria entered the room. She was a sight to behold, dressed in a short toga of thin white cotton. Ludger could clearly see the dark buds of her nipples through the gossamer thin fabric. Maria looked down at what he was staring at. When she realized what it was, she blushed sheepishly. Ludger turned away and said in a shaky voice.

“Ergh…, to what may I warrant the pleasure of this visit.”

“Master Ludger, my Mistress -Princess Nathalia- formally request your instruction in the martial arts. She would be glad to start her first lesson tomorrow morning at 07:00, in the meadow where we met today, if you would so agree.”

“I would be delighted. Will you be joining us for the lessons?”

“No, Sir. Princess Nathalia wishes to be instructed alone….” She hesitated and continued in a lower tone. “Please Sir, be nice to her. Behind that braggadocious façade there is a vulnerable young woman that is ill at ease with herself. She does not know if people respond to her because she is a Princess or because of her true self…. I am sorry, I have said too much…. Please do not tell her what I have told you. Forget I said anything.”

With that she turned and bolted out of his room. Ludger caught a glimpse of her shapely rear end as she ran down the stairs. He did not know what to make of the visit, or what had prompted Nathalia to request formal lessons. She had not seemed too thrilled with the idea, during their bout this afternoon, especially after Keldor had interrupted them. Since he could not answer these questions, he instead finished his meal.

He brought the bottle of wine to the table were he had left the book. He got himself a cigar from his case. He installed himself comfortably and lost himself in the philosophical essay. After the sun had long been set he decided to retire for the night.


He awoke at 05:30. For the first time since he had been in this world, he performed his morning meditation and exercise routine, that Master Yakumi had designed for him ages ago. He vowed never to forget the combination of stretches and katas ever again.

Ludger entered the hedged meadow promptly at 07:00. Nathalia was there waiting for him. She greeted him with a warm smile. They sat cross-legged in front of each others and Ludger explained the philosophy of the Arts. After the preliminaries they started with basic exercises. They proceeded to actual short bouts. The lesson ended at 09:00 on a formal note. They each went their own way.
Ludger returned quickly to his room to wash up and get properly dressed for his audience with the King. Shortly before 10:00, as he was hanging his sword over his shoulder, Prince Symor came in to escort him to his father.

The joined the King in the gazebo. Valnor received him in a more informal setting. He was seated at a side table and invited Ludger to join him. Servant brought them some tea. After they departed the King started.

“Dear Mister Morton, I hope that you have enjoyed our hospitality. I had a long talk with Professor Meldor and Master Keldor, this morning. From their accounting I warrant that you are a brave young man lost in a strange world. But it also seems that you have been unwittingly trained for most of your life, for such a situation.”

Ludger was about to interrupt, but Valnor silenced him with a gesture. He continued.

“Due to the grave situation at hand, and the possible ramifications of Magdar’s attempts at controlling this world, I have decided to grant you my help. A battalion of Royal Long-Bowmen will participate in the attack on the Gates of Doom at the appointed time. Last night I talked with your friend Balnor. He confided in me your plan to destroy the lock of the Great Dam.

I find that campaign of yours very foolhardy and with very little chance of success. But only you can know if your technology can produce the results that you have claimed. Like surviving and crossing the Plains of Ice, climbing the tall cliffs in the Valley of Perils, or destroying the actual lock. The only major flaw in your thinking is that you will not be able to orient yourself properly in the featureless icy desert.”

Valnor let the thought sink in. Ludger felt somewhat foolish at not having thought of that. Before he could say so, Valnor continued.

“To help you in this endeavour, we will bestow upon you an honour that has never been given to anybody not of elf blood. We will give you the power to communicate with the elders of the forest. This will give you our gift of orientation. We feel compelled to do so because your presence in this world is partly our fault.”

“I do not know what to say.”

“Shush…, nothing has to be said. We are honoured to help you. Please come with me.”

Valnor stood up and took Ludger’s hand. He brought him to a small clearing on the far side of the gardens. In the middle of the clearing was a semicircle of shrubs surrounding a low wooden platform growing out of the soil. Ludger was told to sit on the platform. Valnor stood at his right with his left hand on his shoulder. Queen Juniper joined them and stood on his left with her right hand on his shoulder.

A procession of officials, led by Professor Meldor, entered the clearing. Meldor instructed Ludger to concentrate on his own aura. Ludger concentrated and rapidly basked in the earthy blue of his aura. Chants rose slowly around him, remembrance of wind passing through foliage. A tall emaciated grey haired priest stood before him. The King and his Queen turned to face each others, still keeping him in their embrace. Their glowing emerald aura was touching his own cerulean one. Touches of white and ruby were streaking from his chainmail.

The priest took the Monarchs’ free hands and pressed them together. As contact was made, a large flow of energy coursed through Ludger’s body. It was as if a large door was opened and he was witness to an ongoing conversation held by millions of voices. The disorienting chatter soon faded to the background. A deep serenity emerged. It was a feeling of communion with the soul of the planet and of oneness with nature. Ludger’s aura had settled into a medley of all the colours present around him, white, green, blue and red.

Valnor and Juniper released him and he slowly emerged from his trance. Lynor brought him a map of the realm. He told him.

“With this map and the amulet given to you by Andrack, you will always be under the guidance of the elders. Use this gift to better our cause.”

One by one the elves silently left the clearing. They left Ludger alone with the royal couple. He said.

“I wish to leave in the early afternoon. I will proceed to the Mist of Dreams to fetch my equipment. I will meet with Balnor, Dregnar and Bacchus in three days time, at the fringe of the rolling hills. He pointed to the agreed meeting place on the map. With the help of some of your trackers they will reconnoitre the area. I bid you farewell.”

“We bless you, young man, may the Gods be with you.”

Ludger parted company with the monarchs and returned to his quarters. When he arrived Symor was already supervising the removal of his equipment to return it to his vehicle. He told Ludger that fresh provisions would also be included. He would be back in half an hour to escort him to his truck.

Symor had not been gone for a minute, when an urgent knock shook his door. Without waiting for an answer, an angry Nathalia burst into the room. She scowled at Ludger while pacing back and forth in the middle of the room. She looked radiant in her tight fitting dark green, velvet pants and jerkin. She finally stopped her shuttle between the ends of the room and stood rigidly in front of Ludger. She uttered through clenched teeth with barely controlled anger.

“How dare you not including me in your plans for the final battle. If Arexis was here he….”

Ludger interrupted and said.

“If Arexis was here he would have done exactly the same thing as I did. We cannot put you in a position where Magdar can easily capture you. Both for your sake and the sake of the Kingdom. With you as a hostage, Magdar would be able to bargain away the powers of the King with little fear of reprisal.”

With the wind taken out of her argument, Nathalia slumped in a chair. She said in a low childish voice.

“I know you are right, but I wanted so much to be part of the final assault. Also I do not want to loose my teacher so soon after starting my lessons.”

She looked so cuddly and vulnerable that Ludger relented. She would accompany him to the Mist of Dreams, then to the rolling hills where she would be left under Balnor’s supervision. They would stay in Elvanor during the attack. Ludger sent her to gather her belongings.

He met Symor in the meadow and Nathalia joined them carrying only a bulky, soft, shoulder bag. They walked down the tree-city to the chamber where the Samurai had been left the previous day. Nathalia threw her bag in the back. Balnor, Dregnar and Bacchus wished them good luck. They were soon on their way out of the city.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

From 1990: One Way Ticket To Talenthar

The Sass
