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Wizards And Witches


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Wizards And Witches


Wizards And Witches


Wizards And Witches

Wizards and Witches are people thought to possess magical powers or to command supernatural forces. They appear in the myths and folktales of many cultures. The word “Wizard” refers to a male, “Witch” refers to a female. Some myths and folktales feature good spirits or magicians who help people. These are said to practice “White Magic”. Wizards and Witches might be considered helpful characters or even heroes. Very often there are magicians whose sole purpose is to combat evil magic or protect someone from its effects.

Another common symbol across many cultures is the Stick or Wand used by a Wizard or Witch; this is often a tree branch or something made of wood or bone, and symbolizes the importance of nature in channeling magic. Considered to be more attuned to the supernatural. Many of the practices which have been labelled magic can be performed by anyone. For instance, some charms can be recited by individuals with no specialist knowledge nor any claim to having a specific power. Others require specialised training in order to perform them.

The figure of the Wizards and Witches has existed since antiquity. They were and are treated as the chosen ones, with a gift to heal. Plants, tradition and spirituality come together to avoid conditions and pains that at other times were cause in some cases of becoming fatal diseases. When we talk about the figure of the healers, we refer to a Wizards and Witches, a person who cures traditionally. And for this he uses both physical and spiritual means. The functions of it are to provide healing to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual diseases through herbal treatments and massages.

Traditionally, the most common method of identifying, differentiating, and establishing magical practitioners from common people is by initiation. Several proponents of solitary practice have advocated and promoted the act of “self-initiation”, a process by which an individual professes in private their commitment to and worship of a particular deity.

The concept of witchcraft and the belief in its existence have persisted throughout recorded history. It has been found at various times and in many forms among cultures worldwide, and continues to have an important role in some cultures today. Most societies have believed in, an ability by some individuals to cause supernatural harm and misfortune to others. This may come from mankind’s tendency to want to assign occurrences of remarkable good or bad luck to agency, either human or superhuman. Which differs from the historical, traditional, and Indigenous definitions depictions of “Positive Witchcraft”.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother
