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August 2, 2006

Later that afternoon, Bill was pacing the floors of his apartment. He was impatient to know what Sheila wanted to tell him. He already had changed clothes four times in anticipation of the meeting. He had finally selected a comfortable sport suit that fitted his body better than what he usually wore. It actually flattered his silhouette.

When the time had come to leave for his appointment, he felt uneasy. He doubted that Sheila wanted to meet him for himself. She must have a business proposition for him.

He entered the travel link at his apartment and programmed it to reach the posh section of town where she lived. As the small private capsule sped soundlessly, Bill nervously twiddled his fingers. He felt as if he was a teen-ager going on his first date. He new that he did not have any reason to feel nervous, but knowing this did not help the sensation.

Soon the scenery changed from the endless agglomeration of massive residential buildings where he lived, to a scattering of luxurious residences on the side of a knoll overlooking the sprawling extent of the city. The dazzling array of emerging lights starting to battle the dusk, fascinated Bill. The thought of millions of people living so close together always unsettled him. Though he did live in a apartment complex where upwards of twenty thousand people lived, he barely new any of them and felt strangely isolated, when he was not consciously thinking about it.

Bill’s daydreaming was interrupted by the slowing down of the capsule. He had finally reached his destina-tion. Sheila’s house was of modest size and stood in the middle of a small but impeccably maintained garden. The house’s lights gave it a cheerful look. When the capsule stopped on the small landing pad, Bill exited with a purpose in his walk. He had finally decided to ask Sheila out, whether this was a business meeting or not.

He walked the narrow path to the front door. He rang the old fashioned brass bell. His new found confidence was quickly shattered when a tall, handsome, blond man answered the ring. He said in a thick Swedish accent.

“Dear Dr. Livingston, Sheila and I where waiting for you. Please come in.”

In a quivering low voice, echoing his hurt spirit, Bill answered. “Thank you. Are you not Dr. Sven Blomquist, formerly of the EEC’s ecological council?”

“Yes, I am. Please call me Sven. May I call you Bill?”

“Please do.”

The tall Swede took Bill by the shoulder and dragged him towards the living room. Bill finally noticed the cheerful surroundings. Sheila’s house was brightly decorated, in keeping with her sunny disposition. When they en-tered the room, Sheila greeted him with a warm embrace. Bill’s heart started pounding at her sudden closeness. She was dressed in a loose fitting, silk blouse and a pair of tight jeans that enhanced her figure. With a smile on her face she said.

“I am so glad to see you. You look as if the events of this afternoon have not affected you too much. May I introduce you to a good friend of the family, Sven Blomquist?”

The lanky Swede said liltingly.

“We have already introduced ourselves. I am familiar with Bill’s work. I hope that he is familiar with mine.”

Bill hesitantly answered. “Did you not do some work in radical ecosystem management leading to the sal-vaging of many important species?”

Sven laughed. “It also led to my dismissal from the EEC council, because my method were not traditional enough. But let’s not talk of the past. I am tired of dealing with politicians, as, I am sure, you are. I have an inter-esting proposition for you that will make all the politicians take notice our cause and ultimately allocate the budgets that we deserve.” He smiled broadly and continued. “Remember that at the end of the Secondary period, about sev-enty million years ago, the dominant species disappeared from this planet almost overnight, in geological terms.

The most common theory, as you well know, is that a large asteroid collided with earth and the ensuing clouds and darkness caused the extinction of the most dominant species of the period. With the help of Sheila’s equipment we have confirmed the veracity of the theory and the actual date of the asteroid’s collision.”

Bill was astounded. His mind was racing ahead of the scientist’s words. He interrupted Sven and said. “Are you trying to say that based on my experimental work with the whales and your work on ecosystem management, your are planning to bring back and resurrect one of the ancient giant sauropod? This should get the politicians to take notice.”

“This, as you say, would get the entire world’s attention. But I want to go one step further by extrapolating on our joint research. I actually want to prevent the extinction of the dinosaurs by intercepting the asteroid before its impact with this planet. Sheila has a friend that is an expert in electromagnetic containment of black holes. The im-pact of one such black hole with the asteroid, at a great distance from earth would be enough to deviate the asteroid and prevent the impact. There would still be some radical changes in the ecosystems but I think that the species would have enough resiliencies to adapt. Thus we would have some of the dinosaurs surviving to this date. What do you think of my plan?”

Bill sat in silence for a long time. To bring back an extinct species was one thing, but to actually prevent their extinction opened some incredible possibilities that he had not even thought of. He slowly shook his head and said in a solemn voice.

“Since I do not have a regular job anymore I would be glad to join you in your work. If the world parliament does not take notice after this, there is no hope for mankind. Everybody should see that man should do its utmost to preserve any living organism’s place on our world. It is our ultimate duty.”

“I am glad that you see my ways. We shall start the final phase of our work, in complete secret, tomorrow. Sheila has agreed to sneak us up to her lab. I now have to leave you for a meeting with Dr. Hillzinger. We will dis-cuss his containment system. I think he also has found a black hole that we can use in the period and vicinity where we want to intercept the asteroid. I bid you farewell and will see you both in the morning.”

The tall Swede shook Bill’s and Sheila’s hands. He showed himself to the door. Bill’s mind was so preoccu-pied by the work ahead, that it took him a short time to realize that he was still standing in Sheila’s living room and that she was looking at him with anticipation. He nervously coughed. He said in a quivering voice.

“Have you known Sven for a long time?”

“We go way back. We both studied in France. We have been good friends ever since. His father was an as-sociate of my dad. But enough about him. How are you doing?”

“Well…, I have a new found purpose for my life’s works that I hope to share with those dear to me.”

“Who might they be?”

Bill blushed at her directness. He reached deep inside himself for courage. He took both her hands in his own and said. “I do not know who they might all be, but I know for sure that you are one of them.”

It was Sheila’s turn to blush. She had not expected him to answer her question. Loosing his job might have been the most beneficial think that ever happened to him. He already looked more confident and outspoken. She took him in her arms and kissed him deeply before he could move away from her.

For once in his life Bill did not shy from her proximity. He returned her embrace with vigour. After what seemed like a long time they pulled apart breathlessly. They both felt dizzy from their new intimacy. She pulled him by the arm and said.

“Let’s go out for a bite to eat. I am famished. We will be able to discuss our joint life projects.” She coyly winked at him at the last words.

Bill, for a change, did not feel embarrassed. He followed her out of the house the happiest and luckiest man in the world.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

From 1990: A Time Conundrum

The Sass

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