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A mirror is an object that reflects light in such a way that, for incident light in some range of wavelengths, the reflected light preserves many or most of the detailed physical characteristics of the original light. This is different from other light-reflecting objects that do not preserve much of the original wave signal other than color and diffuse reflected light.

Mirror Magick

Samhain is a time to do some serious divination – it’s the time of year when the veil between our world and that of the spirits is at its thinnest, and that means it’s the perfect season to look for messages from the metaphysical. Scrying is one of the best known forms of divination, and can be done in a variety of ways. Basically, it’s the practice of looking into some sort of reflective surface — such as water, fire, glass, dark stones, etc. — to see what messages, symbols, or visions may appear. A scrying mirror is a simple black-backed mirror, and it’s easy to make one yourself.

Any mirror can be enchanted by the Sun to become a magick mirror. They can be portals into other realms, they can be used for divination, or for spells, and they can be used to reflect a spell back onto the sender. I personally don’t recommend using a mirror to reflect baneful energy back to the sender and I wouldn’t post a spell that can cause harm to another.

Why not use a mirror to reflect back baneful energy? Here are some reasons:

  • 1. Sometimes, the problems we are encountering are not actually being created by an outside force, but are manifestations of unhealthy habits or thoughts from within ourselves. If you use mirror magick to reflect back the unwanted energy to it’s source, then you would be attacking yourself. You would be causing harm to yourself.
  • 2. Sometimes we are effected by a stream of energy that has been unintentionally directed at us. A person who is not adept at witchcraft could easily send out baneful energy willy-nilly after unwittingly creating a Cone of Power though intense anger or rage without conscious intention of harm. If you, as a witch consciously return that energy to the sender, you are harming someone who meant you no harm.
  • 3. The Law of Three will return the harmful energy you three-fold. The basic laws of magick are that everything you do causes something to happen. Whatever you do comes back to you.
  • 4. If you are being consciously attacked by someone who is adept at focusing and channeling energy, then you can be sure that they are also adept at sensing the energy reflected back. So then, the attacker would reflect the reflected energy back at you, and then you would reflect the energy back. Do you see where this is going? You would end up with a battle of energy balls being fired back and forth forever.
  • 5. If you consciously put up mirror barriers with the intention of sending back harmful energy, you will awaken the attention of the Watchtower Guardians. Mirror energy passes through the Astral Plane and comes to the immediate attention of the Guardians where it is dealt with immediately. If you are sending back harmful energy the Guardians perceive it as “attack” energy sent towards a specific target. The Guardians will follow the energy source back to you and deal with it.

The Lost Bearded White Brother

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