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Magic Circle


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Witchcraft Solitary Practitioner


Witchcraft Solitary Practitioner

Many contemporary Witchcraft find that rather than joining a group, they prefer practicing as a solitary. The reasons for this as are as varied as those who walk the path, some may find that they work better by themselves. A solitary witch is one who chooses to practice their spiritual faith in the privacy of their home or other designated space.

For some people, it’s hard to make the decision to practice as a solitary. Some of the advantages of practicing as a solitary Witchcraft include setting your own schedule, working at your own pace, and not having to deal with the dynamics of coven relationships.

Regardless, there are a number of things to keep in mind if you’re considering, or have already found your way to, a path as a solitary Witchcraft. Here are five practical tips to help you on your way to successful solitary practice.

Try to establish a daily routine. It’s easy to let your studies go by the wayside if you’re all by yourself, so establishing a daily routine will help you keep on task. Whether your routine includes meditation, reading, ritual work, or whatever, try to do something each day that helps you work towards achieving your spiritual studies.

Write things down. Choose to keep a Book of Shadows to chronicle their magical studies. This is important for a variety of reasons. First, it allows you to document what you’ve tried and done, as well as what works and doesn’t work for you. Secondly, by writing down your rituals, prayers, or spellwork, you’re laying the foundation for your tradition. You can go back and repeat things that you find to be useful later one. Finally, it’s important to keep track of what you do magically and spiritually because as people, we evolve. The person you are now is not the same person you were ten years ago, and it’s healthy for us to be able to look back and see where we were, and how far we’ve come.

Many solitaries find instead that a self-dedication ritual fills that need perfectly, it’s a way of making a commitment to one’s spiritual growth, to the deities we honor, and to learning and finding our way. If you’re practicing as a solitary Witchcraft. Don’t ever stop learning, once you’ve read all your books, go find some new ones. Borrow them from the books, or check them out online from reputable sources. If there’s a particular subject you’re interested in, read about it. Keep expanding your knowledge base, and you’ll be able to continue and grow spiritually.

When it comes to celebrating rituals, the ceremonies on this site are typically designed so that they can be adapted either for a group celebration or a solitary ritual. Browse the listings for the various Sabbat rituals, find the rite you want to perform, and tweak it to meet your needs. Once you feel comfortable with ritual practice, try writing your own.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #Litha #Midsummer #SummerSolstice #BookOfShadows #WheelOfTheYear #SacredHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #Spell #Grimoires


Litha - Midsummer - Summer Solstice


Litha – Midsummer – Summer Solstice

The gardens are blooming, and summer is in full swing. Fire up the barbeque, turn on the sprinkler, and enjoy the celebrations of Midsummer. Also called Litha, this summer solstice Sabbat honors the longest day of the year. Take advantage of the extra hours of daylight and spend as much time as you can outdoors.

The Goddess is now full and pregnant with Child, and the Sun God is at the height of His virility. This is the peak of the Solar year and the Sun is at the height of its life-giving power. The Earth is awash with fertility and fulfillment and this is a time of joy and celebration, of expansiveness and the celebration of achievements.

Yet within this climax is the whisper and promise of a return to the Dark. As the Light reaches its peak so this is also the moment when the power of the Sun begins to wane. From now on the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer and we are drawn back into the Dark to complete the Wheel of the Year.

The Bonfire

Traditionally people stayed up all night on Midsummer’s Eve to welcome and watch the sunrise. Bonfires were lit on tops of hills, by holy wells, at places held sacred, to honour the fullness of the Sun. At Litha the bonfire really represents a reflection of the Sun at the peak of its strength. The chosen wood would often be Oak and aromatic herbs were scattered into the fire. People danced around the fires and leap through them. Blazing herbs from the sacred bonfire were used to bless the animals. Blazing torches were carried sunwise around homes and fields. Coals from the Midsummer fire were scattered on fields to ensure a good harvest.

All of the flower kingdom is reaching its peak, wide open, full of colour, surrendering their perfume. Our lovely bees are now making honey. Midsummer full moon is known as the ‘Honey Moon’ for the mead made from honey now available. This is often part of handfastings performed at the Summer Solstice. Mead is regarded as the divine solar drink, with magical and life-restoring properties. Drink to celebrate and toast the life-giving abundance of the Sun.

As Litha approaches, you can decorate your home with a number of easy craft projects. Celebrate the sun’s energy with an elemental garden, a fiery incense blend, and a magic staff to use in ritual.

Feasting and Food

No Pagan celebration is complete without a meal to go along with it. For Litha, celebrate with foods that honor the fire and energy of the sun. For a Litha feast, we’ll obviously want to work in as many fresh herbs as possible. Remember that each one has its own individual magical properties, so call on those as needed. I’ve also called in some sun colors with red and orange foods. Cinnamon is ruled by the sun, so it’s definitely invited to the party. And this is the perfect time to cook with fire. Fresh vegetables of all kinds and fresh fruits such as lemons and oranges, summer squash and any yellow or orange colored foods. Flaming foods are also appropriate but especially chicken or pork. Traditional drinks are ale, mead, and fresh fruit juice of any kind and herb teas. Pumpernickel bread is also appropriate. Finally, we’ll bring in some honey to celebrate all the flowers in bloom at this time of year. Let the feast begin.

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Languages Spoken and Written: French, English and Spanish.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


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Right-Hand and Left-Hand Paths


Right-Hand and Left-Hand Paths


The Origin of the Terms

The West has a long history of associating the “Right” with goodness and correctness and the “Left” with inferiority. A person’s most trusted adviser is often called his right-hand man. Until recently, left-handed children were often forced to learn how to do things with their right hand, since left-handedness was considered a developmental error.

What Are the Right-Hand and Left-Hand Paths?

Occult and religious paths are sometimes divided into two categories: the right-hand path and the left-hand path. While there are many religions and spiritual practices in each path and they vary considerably, they hold a few things in common. These terms are not void of controversy and bias, however.

What Is the Right-Hand Path?

The right-hand path concentrate on the symbols of goodness, of the sun, of herd mentality and submission to god and religious authority. To put it a little more diplomatic, the right-hand path can be thought of as one of dogma, ritual, and a belief in the community and formal structure as well as a higher power. The vast majority of religions are considered part of the right-hand path, from Christianity to Witchcraft.

What Is the Left-Hand Path?

The left-hand path is considered to be about the elevation and centrality of the self as well as the rejection of religious authority and societal taboos. The left-hand path focuses on the strength and will of the practitioner. It downplays the need for intercession by any high power although some may believe that a higher power exists. Satanism and Luciferianism are considered left-hand paths. Though each of those can also be found in left-hand path religions, there is less focus on indulging the self in the right-hand path.

Limitation and Bias of Usage

One very large limitation of this terminology is that it is primarily used by followers of the left-hand path. Satanists commonly describe their path as that of the left-hand. However, Christians, Jews, Witchcraft, Wiccans, Druids, and the like do not identify themselves as being of the right-hand path.

As such, definitions of the right-hand path tend to be phrased in fairly derogatory terms as demonstrated. In addition, many people described as being of the right-hand path would disagree to varying degrees with the definitions commonly given.

Conversely, those people who do identify themselves as followers of the right-hand path generally describe the left-hand path as a one of evil, maliciousness, and danger. In this use, the terms become roughly synonymous with white magic and black magic, two other highly biased terms.

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Languages Spoken and Written: French, English and Spanish.

eMail: lostbeardedwhite@sassquatch.org
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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #SacredHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #Spell #Grimoires


Magic Circle


Magic Circle


Magic Circle



This is very simple. I do it by a visualization of my feet as roots that push deep into the ground. Through these roots feel the energy of the earth and its strength, how it supports you and makes you strong. Your roots should go really go deep. After a while you can do this by just directing your thoughts and energy down into the earth but the visualization helps to get started. You can do this exercise any where whether you are in contact with the earth or not.


Find a place in your navel where you feel like it is your center of being. Practise centering into different places in the trunk of your body. First imagine that you have a field of energy around you. Another thing about practice, when I say that I am a Wizard or Witch I say that I am a practicing. This means that I am always learning and teaching my self. Being is a constant practice we are always looking for ways to bring peace and love into the enviroment. Our space is our sacred job given by the goddess do what you can to clean it up and make it better. If every person did this the world would be not only better but less hectic. I like the thought that cleaning is a ritual.

Magic Circle

First, ground and center. Mentaly ask the cleaning goddess to help you clean your space. Feel the energy around you, just be aware of how cluttered and messy your space is. Ground and center. What is Magic Circle? Why do we create it? How do we create it? What is it used for? Is it needed?

Magic Circle is simply an area that has been cleansed and blessed by you in the name of a deity. Magic Circle but as Wizard or Witch we do not worship in these areas and therefore must create our own. Magic Circle of space marked out by Wizard or Witch of some branches of ritual magic, which they generally believe will contain energy and form a sacred space, or will provide them a form of magical protection, or both.

To create sacred space you can be as simple or as formal as you wish. By simply saying, “By the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit I consecrate this space in the name of the God and the Goddess.” If you prefer something more formal walk around the area once for each individual element and a representation of it.

“By the power of earth I consecrate this space in the name of the God and the Goddess. (Drop salt as you go around and say the words)” Continue with each of the elements using a representation of each; Athame for Earth, water for Water, incense for Air, your candle for Fire.

The common technique for raising energy within the circle is by means of a cone of power. The circle is usually closed by the practitioner after they have finished by drawing in the energy with the Athame the circle including their hand. This is called closing the circle, releasing the circle. The term “opening” is often used, representing the idea the circle has been expanded and dissipated rather than closed in on itself.

It is within this area that you will draw your circle and perform your rituals. The area you choose to work in may be as small or as large as you wish. You may also want to take into consideration whether or not you will be working with others. You may also not want your space to be permanent. You may want to put it away between rituals; such as in my case. Unfortunately, the room is very small, as is the case with most, so my alter must also be the kitchen counter, dinning room table, and desk (Altar Cloth if the real one is covered). I use a trunk and when not in use my Magic Tools are stored within it.

Magic Tools

  • Altar
  • Altar Cloth
  • Grimoires
  • Athame
  • Boline
  • Chalice
  • Wand
  • Walking Stick
  • Pentacle
  • Cauldron
  • Censer
  • Bell
  • Mirror Magic
  • Jewellery
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Magical Oils
  • Sacred Herbs
  • Magical Teas
  • Wax Seal Stamp
  • Sealing Wax Spoon
  • Sealing Wax
  • Parchments
  • Magic Charm Bags
  • Crystals
  • Minerals
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Wine
  • Incense
  • Candle
  • Charcoal
  • Etcetera…

Follow Us

Languages Spoken and Written: French, English and Spanish.

eMail: lostbeardedwhite@sassquatch.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neosteam.labs.9/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5eRjrGn1CqkkGfZy0jxEdA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/labs_steam
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The Lost Bearded White Brother
