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#Paranormal #DrScientist #Shaman #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial


Shamans, Animal, Plants, and the Spirit World


Shamans, Animal, Plants, and the Spirit World


Shamans, Animal, Plants, and the Spirit World

A shaman is a religious or mystical expert who, in traditional tribal peoples societies, functions as a healer, prophet and custodian of cultural tradition. Throughout human history and perhaps even before Homo Sapiens evolved, there has been an innate desire to experience a direct connection with god or gods, ancestors, and other inhabitants of the spirit world. When examining some of the most ancient cultures across Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Americas and up through time to the preindustrial age we observe many clans, sects, and tribes partaking of psychoactive and other plants for spiritual and/or medicinal uses. The uses and curative effect of these plants were strongly interconnected with ritual. For many tribal cultures, the plants in and of themselves were sacred. Supernatural powers resided in their tissues as a divine gift to humans on earth. Despite the fact they are almost always considered healers, this is not the complete extent of their duties and abilities and detaches them from their role as a mediator between normal humans and the world of spirits, animals, plants, and souls for the traditional tribal peoples.

Soul Dualism

Soul dualism is a range of beliefs that a person has two or more kinds of souls. In many cases, one of the souls is associated with body functions and the other one can leave the body wandering soul. Sometimes the plethora of soul types can be even more complex. Sometimes, a shaman’s wandering soul may be held to be able to undertake a spirit journey.

The wandering soul is said to leave the body and journey to the spirit world during trance-like states, sleep, delirium, death, and insanity. The duality is also seen in the healing traditions of shamans, where illnesses are regarded as a wandering soul and thus to heal the sick, one must return the wandering soul, which may have been stolen by an evil spirit or got lost in the spirit world, into the body. If the wandering soul can not be returned, the afflicted person dies or goes permanently insane.

Role of the Shaman

Shamans are the most notable of the multiple religious figures present in traditional Tribal religion. They function as healers, prophets, diviners and custodians of religious mythology. They are also often the coordinators of religious and cultural ceremonies. There are many variations of shaman throughout the world, but several common beliefs are shared by all forms of shaman.

  • Spirits exist and they play important roles both in individual lives and in human society.
  • The shaman can communicate with the spirit world.
  • Spirits can be benevolent or malevolent.
  • The shaman can treat sickness caused by malevolent spirits.
  • The shaman can employ trances inducing techniques to incite visionary ecstasy and go on vision quests.
  • The shaman’s spirit can leave the body to enter the supernatural world to search for answers.
  • The shaman evokes animal images as spirit guides, omens, and message-bearers.
  • The shaman can perform other varied forms of divination, scry, throw bones or runes, and sometimes foretell of future events.

Soul And Spirit Concepts

  • Soul
  • Healing
  • Scarcity Of Hunted Game
  • Infertility of women
  • Spirits

Spirits are invisible entities that only shamans can see. They are seen as persons that can assume a human or animal body. Some animals in their physical forms are also seen as spirits such as the case of the eagle, snake, jaguar, and rat. Beliefs related to spirits can explain many different phenomena. The importance of storytelling, or acting as a singer, can be understood better if the whole belief system is examined. A person who can memorize long texts or songs, and play an instrument, may be regarded as the beneficiary of contact with the spirits.

Shamans were associated with powers generally thought to be beneficial to the community, but were believed in some cases to use their powers for sorcery. Shaman-prophets and diviners were concerned with predicting the outcome of the hunt, relocating lost objects, and determining the root causes of communal discontent and ill will. Shamans in these societies were custodians of the sacred medicine bundles containing objects and materials endowed with great mystery and power. Shamans were often consulted at any time of sickness or communal misfortune. Natural causes were recognized for many diseases, especially physically curable ones; others were commonly believed to be the result of intrusion into the body of objects placed there by sorcerers. The shaman-healer’s treatment of such diseases was dictated by his guardian spirit, but usually consisted of the shaman ritually sucking the disease agent out of the body, brushing it off with a bird’s wing or drawing it out with dramatic gestures. Illness could also result from wandering soul. The shaman-healer’s action was then directed to recovering the patient’s spirit, either the soul or guardian spirit power. and reintroducing it to the body.

Banning Shamanistic Rituals

Many shaman-led healing ceremonies are still performed, including smudging, sharing circles and healing circles. Most modern shamans see themselves as facilitators for healing rather than healers themselves. Shamans offer healing techniques for those suffering from emotional, mental and physical pain. Often, such techniques include connecting with spirit guides, negative energy extraction, holistic remedies, engaging with nature and spiritual cleanses. Similar to their ancestors, modern shamans also perform rites of passage ceremonies, including births, marriages and deaths.

Report a Shaman? Have some Shaman footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some Shaman a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #Priest #Shaman #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial


Priest-Shaman Pedro Ruiz Calderón


Priest-Shaman Pedro Ruiz Calderón


Priest-Shaman Pedro Ruiz Calderón

On January 30, 1540, in Mexico City, at a time when Spain was carving out an empire in the New World, an epic trial got under way.

Ruiz Calderón was a Catholic Priest that was said to be as powerful as the ancient Mexican priests. That he possessed the magical power of a Shaman who came from lessons acquired in Europe. According to legends, he had the gift of ubiquity and could teleport from Spain to Mexico and vice versa. Likewise, he had the ability to become invisible, he had a supreme ability to seduce women and do with them what they desire the lowest instincts of him. He expelled demons and could find hidden treasures. According to many, he dominated black magic and was endowed with a spiritual force much above the Evangelizer companions of him.

The Ruiz Calderón Process

The case of Pedro Ruiz Calderón was denounced before the Holy Office of the Holy Inquisition by the secretary of him, a Miguel López de Legazpi. The Fray Juan de Zumárraga was the one who took the reins of the matter. Zumárraga, a very hated subject among Mexicans thanks to his series of barbaries against the indigenous people and by the idiot burning of very important Aztec books, was a Franciscan Fraile who, at Sacor, was the First Bishop of Mexico.

During the process, initiated in 1540, they left new and supposed prodigies made by the Priest-Shaman Ruiz, as stored in the minutes that are kept in the general archive of the nation. In the trial, Ruiz said he visited hell with several companions all of whom never returned, except for him. He lowered three thousand leagues and Satan himself gave him books, one of which was autographed by the Head of Satan; He taught him a cryptic language that only he could decipher, in addition to teaching him varied secrets of black magic and alchemy. No book, nor the volume signed by the devil was found after the confiscation of the goods of him. What if found was a manual to perform exorcisms, a guide to discover wonderful treasures and volume of natural magic and Cabalistics of Sobriquet Magnus, written by Albertus Magnus.

Some “Evidence”, as presented by Gil González de Benavides, supported the “Veracity” of the alleged magical faculties just for witnessing Ruiz’s skills to find treasures. For this activity, he used to charge good sums of money from people who hired him.


Given the severity of the case, it was thought that Zumárraga would punish him severely, since magic, especially black, was very repudiated by the Catholics of the time. However, Franciscan was very benevolent, almost scratching in doubt, with Ruiz Calderón who was simply exiled to Spain with the prohibition of celebrating Catholic trades for two years.

The Doubts

If Ruiz really was as powerful as he harangue, why did not he become invisible during the trial to escape? Or why did he not teleport to Spain? He did not know what was going to be the sentence of him, but it was legitimate to think that they were going to torture him and kill for walking talking about friendships with the devil.

What actually happens is that Ruiz did the same as many charlatans and today’s sect leaders, such as Reverend Cash Luna, to take money and earthly privileges. In the actors of the trial he was seated that Ruiz charged for each of the services provided.

The case of Ruiz Calderón can be archived as one of so many charlatans and fraudulent from different eras and places. Not only one, not even Ruiz, could show the powers he assured possessing.

The funny thing is to know why Zumárraga was so benevolent with Ruiz. It is likely that the Shaman would like to blackmail him with talking about the innumerable indigenous lovers and slaves that the Franciscan Friar returned Bishop had at the mercy of him. Perhaps they reached a mutual agreement, although this is nothing more than speculation.

Report a Shaman? Have some Shaman footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some Shaman a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial







The human mind is an amazing thing an 100 billion neurons make it possible for us to walk, talk, think, create, build the list is virtually endless. Human nature, meanwhile, inspires us to want more, to push the boundaries of brainpower and discover new skills. Some of the most sought-after of those skills include telekinesis, an ability that lets us interact with physical objects using only our thoughts.

The power to move, manipulate or otherwise interact with objects, matter with one’s mind. The user has telekinesis the ability to influence, manipulate matter or another aspect of a physical system with one’s mind or through other non-physical means. Commonly, its most fundamental trait is to move and control objects from a distance and without physical contact. It may evolve to the point that a telekinetic can anything at a subatomic, particle, and universal level. At its most advanced levels, its influence can expand to affect facets of reality other than matter, namely space, and time.

Instead researchers have focused on what they term telekinesis or the manipulation of very small objects. The idea is that if the ability exists, its force is obviously very weak. Therefore, the less physical energy that would have to be exerted on an object to physically move it, the more obvious the effect should be. For this reason, laboratory experiments often focus on rather mundane feats such as trying to make dice land on a certain number at an above-chance rate, or influencing a computerized random number generator.

In at the request of the army formed a scientific panel to assess the best evidence for telekinesis. Part of its purpose was to investigate military applications of telekinesis, for example to remotely jam or disrupt enemy weaponry. The panel heard from a variety of military staff who believed in telekinesis and made and positive results from experiments.

As the ability is connected to the mind of the user, it can either be activated and controlled through conscious effort and concentration, through willpower and emotion of a particular level of intensity, or through achieving a state of discipline and serenity. In some cases, the ability can respond to the user’s thoughts and ideas, imagination, desires or belief in their abilities, making it far easier to activate but potentially more challenging to control, especially during moments of stress, rendering it a liability or even an unintended hazard in certain scenarios. Moreover, these aspects of the user’s mind and mental capacity at large can potentially affect the accuracy, precision, range, and strength of their ability and the subsequent limitations of its intuitiveness, usability, and reliability in different situations. Alternatively, the extent of the ability can be so immense as to allow for the user to passively affect matter in a variety of ways with their presence alone.

There are certain classes of phenomena, both physical and biological, which for two generations have been persistently pressing for recognition by official science, and have been as persistently refused such recognition. With the present worldwide organisation of scientific research, such a situation is, to say the least, unusual. It is not as if new observations were habitually neglected. Quite the contrary. The announcement of a new discovery instantly sends a flutter through the universities and research laboratories, and within a week hundreds of competent men are eagerly testing, repeating, and criticising the alleged discovery. After a short period of doubt and perhaps controversy, the innovation is either confirmed or discredited, and the attitude of science towards it is settled.

Report a telekinesis? Have some telekinesis footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some telekinesis a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial









Cryptozoology is a science that searches for and studies unknown have long held a fascination for people the world over. Debates about their actual existence or what they might really be have continued for centuries. While biologists regularly identify new species, cryptozoologists often focus on creatures from the Loch Ness Monster, Sasquatch, the Chupacabra. In their search for these entities, cryptozoologists may employ devices such as motion-sensitive cameras, night-vision equipment, and audio-recording equipment. While there have been attempts to codify cryptozoological approaches like biologists, zoologists, botanists, paleontology, and other academic disciplines. If more cryptids do exist, there are scientific evolutionary roots on to how these creatures possibly evolved.

Some scholars have identified precursors to modern cryptozoology in certain medieval approaches to the folklore record, and the psychology behind the cryptozoology approach has been the subject of academic study. Every animal or plant on this page is marked as one of the following something that stretches the limits of what is scientifically plausible.

  • Confirmed: Cryptids whose existence is alleged.
  • Unconfirmed: Cryptids whose existence is alleged but not demonstrated.
  • Discredited: Cryptids that have a body of evidence against their existence.
  • Proposed: Cryptids with an alternative explanation accepted by the general scientific community.
  • Extinct: Animals that are generally believed to be extinct, but which cryptozoologists believe may have an extant relict population.

Aquatic or semi-aquatic, terrestrial, and winged. Animalia Paradoxa are the mythical, magical or otherwise suspect animals mentioned in the edition of Carl Linnaeus’s seminal work Systema Naturae under the header Paradoxa. It lists fantastic creatures found in medieval bestiaries and some animals reported by explorers from abroad and explains why they are excluded from Systema Naturae.

  • Hydra: body of a snake, with two feet, seven necks and the same number of heads, lacking wings. Nature for itself and always the similar, never naturally makes multiple heads on one body.
  • Rana-Piscis: A South American frog which is significantly smaller than its tadpole stage that the metamorphosis in this species went from frog to fish’. Frogs, like all amphibia, delight in lungs and spiny bones. Spiny fish, instead of lungs, are equipped with gills.
  • Monoceros: Monoceros of the older, body of a horse, feet of a wild animal, horn straight, long, spirally twisted.
  • Pelecanus: The same hand down fabulously that it inflicts a wound with its beak on its own thigh, to feed its young with the flowing blood. A sack hanging below its throat gave a handle for the story.
  • Satyrus: With a tail, hairy, bearded, with a manlike body, gesticulating much, very fallacious, is a species of monkey, if ever one has been seen.
  • Borometz: The is reckoned with plants, and is similar to a lamb; whose stalk coming out of the ground enters an umbilicus; and the same is said to be provided with blood from by chance devouring wild animals.
  • Phoenix: Species of bird, of which only one individual exists in the world, and which when decrepit from pyre made of aromaticis said fabulously to become again young, to undergo happy former periods of life.
  • Draco: Linnaeus wrote that it has a snakelike body, two feet, two wings, like a bat, which is a winged lizard or a ray artificially shaped as a monster and dried.
  • Manticora: Face of a decrepit old man, body of a lion, tail starred with sharp points.
  • Lamia: Face of a man, breasts of a virgin, body of a four-footed animal scaled, forefeet of a wild animal, hind of cattle.
  • Siren: Two fins only on all the body, those on the chest. Head and neck and chest to the umbilicus have the human appearance. From the umbilicus to the extremity of the body was unformed flesh with no sign of a tail. Two pectoral fins on the chest, with five bones or fingers, staying together, by which it swims.

Report a cryptozoology? Have some cryptozoology footage or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some cryptozoology a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #AlienAbduction #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial


Alien Abduction


Alien Abduction


Alien abduction refers to the phenomenon of people reporting what they believe to be the real experience of being kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation. Alien abduction are people who have claimed to have been abducted by aliens. Abduction describes claims of non-human creatures kidnapping individuals and temporarily removing them from familiar terrestrial surroundings. Interpreted as being extraterrestrial life forms, are said to subject experiencers to a forced medical examination that emphasizes the alleged experiencer’s reproductive system.

Invasive physiological and psychological procedures, and on occasion simulated behavioral situations, training & testing, or sexual liaisons. Abductees often rapidly forget the majority of their experience, either as a result of fear, medical intervention, or both. The abductees are returned to earth, occasionally in a different location from where they were allegedly taken or with new injuries or disheveled clothing. The abductee must cope with the psychological, physical, and social effects of the experience.

These abductions are real, and they are occurring worldwide. In short, alien visitors have been picking up and examining humans from all over the planet. All indications are that the number of people being picked up is in the millions worldwide. The patterns exhibited and the procedures performed are in many cases exactly like the ones we use to study wildlife and animals on our planet. However, in this case, what complicates matters is the high level of our alien visitor’s technology. Their technology is so far advanced that it causes problems when trying to document and understand exactly what is going on.

People have described bizarre extraterrestrial encounters that take place in a dreamlike state. I was blinded by a very bright light, like from a searchlight. My vision was gone, and I felt dizzy and light. Abductees that he dreamed he was lying in his bed when he felt as though he were being dragged somewhere, ending up in a room with a white silhouette that reached into his chest and started doing something inside with tools.

In response to a new psychological study of persons who believe they have been abducted by space aliens that found that sleep paralysis, a history of being hypnotized, and preoccupation with the paranormal and extraterrestrial were predisposing experiences, He noted that many of the frequently reported particulars of the abduction experience bear more than a passing resemblance to medical-surgical procedures and propose that experience with these may also be contributory. There is the altered state of consciousness, uniformly colored figures with prominent eyes, in a high-tech room under a round bright saucerlike object; there is nakedness, pain and a loss of control while the body’s boundaries are being probed; and yet the figures are thought benevolent.

A sensed presence, vague gibberish spoken in one’s ear, shadowy creatures moving about the room, a strange immobility, a crushing pressure and painful sensations in various parts of the body, these are compatible not just with an assault by a primitive demon but also with probing by alien experimenters, and the sensations of floating and flying account for the reports of levitation and transport to alien vessels. In recent years there has been a huge increase in the number of people who insist that they have been kidnapped by alien creatures from outer space, perhaps subjected to medical experiments and then released again.

Report a alien abduction? Have some alien abduction footage a alien abduction or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some alien abduction a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial


Extraterrestrial Life


Extraterrestrial Life


Extraterrestrial Life


Extraterrestrial Life

Extraterrestrial life is hypothetical life which may occur outside Earth and which did not originate on Earth. Such life might range from simple prokaryotes to intelligent beings and even sapient beings, possibly bringing forth civilizations which might be far more advanced than humanity. Since the mid-20th century, active ongoing research has taken place to look for signs of extraterrestrial life. Depending on the category of search, methods range from the analysis of telescope and specimen data to radios used to detect and send communication signals.

The concept of extraterrestrial life, and particularly extraterrestrial intelligence, has had a major cultural impact. Over the years imagined a wide range of possibilities, and influenced public interest in and perspectives of extraterrestrial life. One shared space is the debate over the wisdom of attempting communication with extraterrestrial intelligence. Some encourage aggressive methods to try for contact with intelligent extraterrestrial life. Others—citing the tendency of technologically advanced human societies to enslave or wipe out less advanced societies—argue that it may be dangerous to actively call attention to Earth.

Conspiracy theories resist falsification and are reinforced by circular reasoning: both evidence against the conspiracy and an absence of evidence for it are re-interpreted as evidence of its truth, whereby the conspiracy becomes a matter of faith rather than something that can be proven or disproven.

Nordic Alien

Nordic aliens are humanoid extraterrestrials purported to come from the Pleiades who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians. Contactees describe them as being two meters tall with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. Extraterrestrial visitation from beings with features described as Aryan often include claims of telepathy, benevolence, and physical beauty. Nordic aliens are often associated with spiritual growth and love and act as protectors for the experiencers.

Nordic aliens are often described as benevolent or even magical beings who want to observe and communicate with humans and are concerned about the Earth’s environment or prospects for world peace. Believers also ascribe telepathic powers to Nordic aliens, and describe them as paternal, watchful, smiling, affectionate, and youthful.

Grey Alien

Grey aliens, also referred to as Zeta Reticulans, are purported extraterrestrial beings. According 75% of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Grey aliens, a significantly higher proportion than other countries. Such claims vary widely, but typically Greys are described as being human-like with small bodies with smooth, grey-colored skin; enlarged, hairless heads; and large, black eyes.

Greys are typically depicted as grey-skinned, diminutive humanoid beings that possess reduced forms of, or completely lack, external human body parts such as noses, ears, or sex organs. Their bodies are usually depicted as being elongated, having a small chest, and lacking in muscular definition and visible skeletal structure. Their legs are depicted as being shorter and jointed differently from humans with limbs proportionally different from a human.

Greys are depicted as having unusually large heads in proportion to their bodies with no hair on the body, and no noticeable outer ears or noses, sometimes with small openings or orifices for ears, nostrils, and mouths. In drawings, Greys are almost always shown with very large, opaque, black eyes. They are frequently described as shorter than average adult humans.

The eyes are often a focus of abduction claims, which often describe a Grey staring into the eyes of an abductee when conducting mental procedures. This staring is claimed to induce hallucinogenic states or directly provoke different emotions.

Reptilian Alien

Reptilians are reptilian humanoids who claims shapeshifting reptilian aliens control earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate human societies. Alien abduction narratives sometimes allege contact with reptilian creatures. Reptilian alien are humanoids with scaled skin and snake-like heads. They possess magical abilities, the most common of which is the use of illusion to disguise themselves as a human. A woman recounts the night a reptilian abducted her and then transformed her into a human reptile hybrid. Does this mean we are all byproducts of alien genetic manipulation? If discover not only the shocking truth behind human existence, a genetically engineered slave race created and cultivated by trans-dimensional aliens, but also the fact there are no such thing as coincidences.

With that his reptilian body was incapable of sweating, it seemed he was finally confirming all my theories about his extraterrestrial bloodline, even going as far as to accompany this revelatory confession with repeated flicks of his tongue and strobe-like blinking to moisten his serpentine, bulging, swiveling eyes under the harsh studio lights.

Report a extraterrestrial? Have some extraterrestrial footage a extraterrestrial or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some extraterrestrial a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #ExtrasensoryPerception #Spiritualism #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien


TR-3B Black Manta


TR-3B Black Manta


TR-3B Black Manta


TR-3B Black Manta


TR-3B Black Manta


This little black number has been associated with multiple reports of sightings of flying triangle aircraft by UFO watchers. It’s also this desert area of that draws people interested in covert black project or black ops aircraft projects. The United States Air Force must thank its lucky stars for UFO enthusiasts and believers of alien spacecraft. Black triangles are UFOs reported as having a triangular shape and dark color, typically observed at night, described as large, silent, hovering, moving slowly, and displaying pulsating, colored lights.

Regarding the triangular shapes undetermined characteristics, can exist between certain charged buoyant objects in loose formation, the intervening space between them forms an area triangular from which the reflection of light does not occur. This is a key finding in the attribution of what have frequently been reported as black craft triangular and even up to hundreds of feet in length. A recommendation in the report is that no attempt be made on the part of aircraft to intercept or outmaneuver these objects, and instead to place them astern to mitigate the risk of collision.

UFO or USA Air Force or UFO and USA Air Force!

Within the larger mystery of the UFO phenomenon is another, still-unsolved puzzle. Why do so many reports involve strange, triangular shaped spacecraft described as dark in color and virtually noiseless? What, exactly, are they? And why are so many witnessed hovering or moving slowly and methodically, with no visible contrails? How far back does it go, if at all? A secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959.

As with many divergent aviation technologies, anti-gravity technology for nearly 70 years. It is the culmination of theories regarding gravitation, quantum gravity and general relativity. Anti-gravity is of huge interest to the military and scientists alike, given that, for example, one could hypothetically reduce an aircraft’s mass by using electromagnetic propulsion, even down to zero.

It is also possible that this is a funded sub-group of a government agency that is acting on contract to the government and essentially has complete autonomy in their research. This concept would use liquid plasma that operated at 150 degrees. Clearly this is extraordinarily speculative technology, but would a government contractor have the moral backbone to accept a multi-billion dollar research contract from the government with probably very high margins knowing there was a 0% chance of success? But does it exist? There are of course the inevitable allegations that the TR-3B was built by the military using extraterrestrial reverse-engineered technology. So, what of the TR-3B Black Manta?

TR-3B Black Manta

The TR-3B was designed to be a subsonic stealth spy plane. According to experts, the TR-3B Black Manta would use conventional thrusters located at the tips of the aircraft that would allow it to perform a dizzying number of rapid high-speed manoeuvres, including perfect right-angle turns and hyper acceleration. And it could achieve this along all its three axes.

In the case of the TR-3B Black Manta, it means a aircraft that uses highly pressured mercury accelerated by nuclear energy, so that plasma is produced, which, in turn, creates a field of anti-gravity around the aircraft. It has an electromagnetic coil at the heart of it’s motive power system, the result of which is electromagnetic drive that interacts with the Higgs-Boson field at the quantum level. So, an anti-gravity aircraft doesn’t use conventional turbine or rocket engine technology, but instead a propulsion system that creates thrust by generating high-energy plasma.

It’s a very silent aircraft, save for a slight humming sound. An interesting by-product of the plasma the TR-3B generates it that significantly reduces the aircraft’s radar signature, thereby making it ideal for missions in which stealth is paramount. That means the TR-3B Black Manta could sneak into just about any air space of any country and not be detected by its air traffic control or air defense systems.

Report a UFO? Have some UFO footage a cell integrated camera or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some UFO a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Paranormal #DrScientist #PercepciónExtrasensorial #Espiritualismo #Criptozaología #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Fantasmas #OVNI #Extraterrestre


TR-3B Black Manta


TR-3B Black Manta


TR-3B Black Manta


TR-3B Black Manta


TR-3B Black Manta


Este pequeño número negro se ha asociado con múltiples informes de avistamientos de aviones triangulares voladores por parte de observadores de OVNIs. También es esta zona desértica la que atrae a las personas interesadas en proyectos encubiertos o proyectos de aviones de operaciones clandestinas. La Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos debe agradecer a sus estrellas de la suerte por los entusiastas de los OVNIs y los creyentes de las naves espaciales extraterrestres. Los triángulos negros son ovnis que tienen una forma triangular y un color oscuro, generalmente observados de noche, descritos como grandes, silenciosos, flotantes, moviéndose lentamente y mostrando luces de colores pulsantes.

En cuanto a las formas triangulares de características indeterminadas, pueden existir entre determinados objetos flotantes cargados en formación suelta, el espacio intermedio entre ellos forma una zona triangular desde la que no se produce el reflejo de la luz. Este es un hallazgo clave en la atribución de lo que con frecuencia se ha informado como una nave negra triangular e incluso de hasta cientos de pies de largo. Una recomendación en el informe es que no se haga ningún intento por parte de la aeronave de interceptar o maniobrar estos objetos y, en cambio, colocarlos a popa para mitigar el riesgo de colisión.

¡OVNI o Fuerza Aérea de EE. UU. u OVNI y Fuerza Aérea de EE. UU.!

Dentro del gran misterio del fenómeno OVNI hay otro rompecabezas aún sin resolver. ¿Por qué tantos informes involucran extrañas naves espaciales de forma triangular descritas como de color oscuro y prácticamente silenciosas? ¿Qué son exactamente? ¿Y por qué se ve a tantos revoloteando o moviéndose lenta y metódicamente, sin estelas visibles? ¿Qué tan lejos va, si es que lo hace? Un programa secreto de inteligencia de los Estados Unidos en el que más de 1.600 científicos, ingenieros y técnicos alemanes fueron llevados de la antigua Alemania Nazi a los Estados Unidos para trabajar en el gobierno después del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Europa, entre 1945 y 1959.

Al igual que con muchas tecnologías de aviación divergentes, la tecnología antigravedad durante casi 70 años. Es la culminación de las teorías sobre la gravitación, la gravedad cuántica y la relatividad general. La antigravedad es de gran interés tanto para los militares como para los científicos, dado que, por ejemplo, se podría hipotéticamente reducir la masa de un avión mediante el uso de propulsión electromagnética, incluso hasta cero.

También es posible que este sea un sub grupo financiado de una agencia gubernamental que esté actuando por contrato con el gobierno y esencialmente tenga total autonomía en su investigación. Este concepto usaría plasma líquido que operara a 150 grados. Claramente, esta es una tecnología extraordinariamente especulativa, pero ¿un contratista del gobierno tendría la columna vertebral moral para aceptar un contrato de investigación de miles de millones de dólares del gobierno con márgenes probablemente muy altos sabiendo que hay un 0% de posibilidades de éxito? ¿Pero existe? Por supuesto, existen las inevitables acusaciones de que el TR-3B fue construido por militares utilizando tecnología extraterrestre de ingeniería inversa. Entonces, ¿qué hay del TR-3B Black Manta?

TR-3B Black Manta

El TR-3B fue diseñado para ser un avión espía furtivo subsónico. Según los expertos, el TR-3B Black Manta utilizaría propulsores convencionales ubicados en las puntas de la aeronave que le permitirían realizar una vertiginosa cantidad de maniobras rápidas a alta velocidad, incluyendo giros perfectos en ángulo recto e hiperaceleración. Y podría lograrlo a lo largo de sus tres ejes.

En el caso del TR-3B Black Manta, se trata de una aeronave que utiliza mercurio a alta presión acelerado por energía nuclear, de modo que se produce plasma que, a su vez, crea un campo de antigravedad alrededor de la aeronave. Tiene una bobina electromagnética en el corazón de su sistema de energía motriz, cuyo resultado es un impulso electromagnético que interactúa con el campo del Higgs-Boson a nivel cuántico. Entonces, un avión antigravedad no usa tecnología convencional de turbinas o motores de cohetes, sino un sistema de propulsión que crea empuje generando plasma de alta energía.

Es un avión muy silencioso, salvo por un leve zumbido. Un subproducto interesante del plasma que genera el TR-3B que reduce significativamente la firma del radar de la aeronave, lo que lo hace ideal para misiones en las que el sigilo es primordial. Eso significa que el TR-3B Black Manta podría colarse en casi cualquier espacio aéreo de cualquier país y no ser detectado por sus sistemas de control de tráfico aéreo o defensa aérea.

¿Reportar un OVNI? ¿Tener algunas imágenes de OVNI una cámara integrada de células o una cámara de película o una cámara de video? ¿Tienes una foto de un OVNI? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, paranormal, nombre, correo electrónico, comentario o mensaje, envía…

Dr. Scientist


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A demon is a supernatural being, typically associated with evil, prevalent historically in religion, occultism, literature. In Ancient Near Eastern religions and in the Abrahamic traditions, including ancient and medieval Christian demonology, a demon is considered a harmful spiritual entity which may cause demonic possession, calling for an exorcism.

In Western occultism and Renaissance magic, which grew out of an amalgamation of Greco-Roman magic, Jewish Aggadah and Christian demonology, a demon is believed to be a spiritual entity that may be conjured and controlled. The supposed existence of demons remains an important concept in many modern religions and occultist traditions. Demons are still feared largely due to their alleged power to possess living creatures. In the contemporary Western occultist tradition, a demon one may also regard it as an objectively real phenomenon.

The original Greek word daimon did not carry negative connotations. The Ancient Greek daimon denotes a spirit or divine power. The Greek conception of a daimon notably appears in the works of Plato, where it describes the divine inspiration of Socrates. In Christianity morally ambivalent daimons were replaced by demons, forces of evil only striving for corruption. Such demons are not the Greek intermediary spirits, but hostile entities.

By the early Roman Empire, cult statues were seen, by pagans and their Christian neighbors alike, as inhabited by the numinous presence of the gods: “Like pagans, Christians still sensed and saw the gods and their power, and as something, they had to assume, lay behind it, by an easy traditional shift of opinion they turned these pagan daimones into malevolent ‘demons’, the troupe of Satan. Both deities and demons can act as intermediaries to deliver messages to humans.

Demons in this culture appeared to be subordinative and related to a specific deity, yet they may have occasionally acted independently of the divine will. The existence of demons can be related to the realm of chaos, beyond the created world. But even this negative connotation cannot be denied in light of the magical texts. The role of demons in relation to the human world remains ambivalent and largely depends on context.

The believed that the underworld was home to many demons. These demons could sometimes leave the underworld and terrorize mortals on earth. Demons supposedly entered the body and caused the disease while overwhelming or “seizing” the victim. To cure such diseases, it was necessary to draw out the evil demons by certain incantations and talismanic performances, at which the Essenes excelled.

In demons had a real existence they were not metaphors expressing the absence of good nor are they fallen angels, that means they are not originally good, but entities purely evil. The demons ultimately failed their attack and ended up imprisoned in the structures and matter of the contemporary world. Lacking virtues and being in constant conflict with both the divine creatures and themselves, they are inferior to the divine entities and overcome by the divine beings at the end of time. They are not sophisticated or inventive creatures, but only driven by their urges. Demons remains abstract and is closely linked to ethical aspects of evil that many of them appear as personified evil qualities such as greed, wrath, envy and grief.

While daimons were considered as both potentially benevolent or malevolent that daimons are exclusively evil entities, supporting the later idea of evil demons. Increasing corruption and evil within the soul, the more estranged the soul gets from God. He explains demons are deficiant creatures, who willingly turn themselves towards the unreal and non-existence. Their dangerous nature results not from power of their nature, but from their tendency to drag others into the “void” and the unreal, away from God.

Sigmund Freud developed this idea and claimed that the concept of demons was derived from the important relation of the living to the dead: “The fact that demons are always regarded as the spirits of those who have died recently shows better than anything the influence of mourning on the origin of the belief in demons.”.

Report a demon? Have some demon footage a cell integrated camera or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some demon a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


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Un demonio es un ser sobrenatural, típicamente asociado con el mal, prevalente históricamente en la religión, el ocultismo, la literatura. En las antiguas religiones del este y en las tradiciones Abrahámicas, incluida la demonología Cristiana antigua y medieval, un demonio se considera una entidad espiritual dañina que puede causar posesión demoníaca, requiriendo un exorcismo.

En ocultismo occidental y magia del Renacimiento, que surgió de una amalgama de magia Greco-Romana, Aggadah Judía y demonología Cristiana, se cree que un demonio es una entidad espiritual que puede ser conjurada y controlada. La supuesta existencia de demonios sigue siendo un concepto importante en muchas religiones modernas y tradiciones ocultistas. Los demonios todavía se teman en gran medida debido a su supuesto poder para poseer criaturas vivientes. En la tradición occidental contemporánea, un demonio también puede ser considerardo como un fenómeno objetivamente real.

La palabra Griega original Daimon no llevó connotaciones negativas. El Antiguo Griego Daimon denota un espíritu o poder divino. La concepción Griega de un Daimon aparece notablemente en las obras de Platón, donde describe la inspiración divina de Sócrates. En el Cristianismo, Moralmente ambivalente, los Daimons fueron reemplazados por demonios, fuerzas del mal que solo se esfuerzan para la corrupción. Tales demonios no son los espíritus intermedios Griegos, sino entidades hostiles.

Por el temprano Imperio Romano, las estatuas de culto fueron vistas, por paganos y sus vecinos Cristianos, como habitaron la presencia numerosa de los dioses: “Al igual que los paganos, los Cristianos todavía sintieron y vieron a los dioses y su poder, y como algo, tenían para asumir, estar detrás de él, por un fácil cambio tradicional de opinión, convirtieron estos daimones paganos en los “demonios” malévolos, la compañía de Satanás. Tanto las deidades como los demonios pueden actuar como intermediarios para entregar mensajes a los humanos.

Los demonios en esta cultura parecían ser subordinativos y relacionados con una deidad específica, pero pueden haber actuado ocasionalmente de manera independiente de la voluntad divina. La existencia de demonios puede estar relacionada con el ámbito del caos, más allá del mundo creado. Pero incluso esta connotación negativa no se puede negar a la luz de los textos mágicos. El papel de los demonios en relación con el mundo humano sigue siendo ambivalente y depende en gran medida del contexto.

Se creía que el inframundo era el hogar de muchos demonios. Estos demonios a veces podrían abandonar el inframundo y aterrorizar a los mortales en la tierra. Los demonios supuestamente entraron en un cuerpo y causaron la enfermedad mientras se abrumaban o “aprovechaban” de la víctima. Para curar tales enfermedades, fue necesario sacar a los demonios malignos por ciertos conjuros y actuaciones talismánicas, en las que se destacó los Essenes.

En los demonios tuvieron una verdadera existencia, no eran metáforas que expresaban la ausencia del bien ni eran ángeles caídos, eso significa que no son originalmente buenos, sino entidades puramente malas. En última instancia, los demonios fracasaron en su ataque y terminaron encarcelados en las estructuras y la materia del mundo contemporáneo. Falta virtudes y estar en conflicto constante con las criaturas divinas y en sí mismas, son inferiores a las entidades divinas y superan los seres divinos al final del tiempo. No son criaturas sofisticadas o inventivas, sino solo estimuladas por sus impulsos. Los demonios siguen siendo abstractos y están estrechamente vinculados a los aspectos éticos del mal que muchos de ellos aparecen como cualidades malignas personificadas, como la codicia, la ira, la envidia y el dolor.

Si bien Daimons fue considerado como potencialmente benevolente o malévolo que Daimons son entidades exclusivamente malas, apoyando la idea posterior de los demonios malvados. Aumentar la corrupción y el mal dentro del alma, más separados el alma sale de Dios. Explica que los demonios son criaturas deficientes, que voluntariamente se desvían hacia lo irreal y la no existencia. Sus peligrosos resultados de la naturaleza no del poder de su naturaleza, sino de su tendencia a arrastrar a otros al “vacío” y el irreal, alejado de Dios.

Sigmund Freud desarrolló esta idea y afirmó que el concepto de los demonios se derivó de la importante relación de la vida a los muertos: “El hecho de que los demonios siempre se consideran que los espíritus de los que han muerto recientemente se muestran mejor que nada de la influencia del luto. Sobre el origen de la creencia en los demonios.”.

¿Reportar un demonio? ¿Tener algunas imágenes de demonio una cámara integrada de células o una cámara de película o una cámara de video? ¿Tienes una foto de un demonio? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, paranormal, nombre, correo electrónico, comentario o mensaje, envía …

Dr. Scientist
