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#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #HornedGod #MotherTripleGoddess #BookOfShadows #WheelOfTheYear #MagicalHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #MagicSpell #Grimoire


Horned God And Mother Triple Goddess


Horned God

The Horned God represents the male part of the religion’s duotheistic theological system, the consort of the female Triple Mother Goddess of the Moon. In common Witchcraft belief, he is associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting, and the life cycle. Whilst depictions of the deity vary, he is always shown with either horns or antlers upon his head, often depicted as being theriocephalic, in this way emphasizing “The Union Of The Divine And The Animal”, the latter of which includes humanity.

In traditional Witchcraft, he is generally regarded as a dualistic god of twofold aspects: bright and dark, night and day, summer and winter, the Horned God. In this dualistic view, his two horns symbolize, in part, his dual nature. For Witchcraft, the Horned God is “The Personification Of The Life Force Energy In Animals And The Wild” and is associated with the wilderness, virility and the hunt. The Horned God also carries the souls of the dead to the underworld. Witchcraft generally tend to conceive of the universe as polarized into gender opposites of male and female energies. The Horned God and the Goddess are seen as equal and opposite in gender polarity.

Mother Triple Goddess

The Mother Triple Goddess is viewed as a triunity of three distinct aspects or figures united in one being. These three figures are often described as the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, each of which symbolizes both a separate stage in the female life cycle and a phase of the Moon, and often rules one of the realms of heavens, earth, and underworld. Her masculine consort is the Horned God. A is a Mother Triple Goddess who represents a personified deification of motherhood, fertility, creation, destruction, or the earth goddess who embodies the bounty of the earth or nature.

That primitive societies initially were matriarchal, worshipping a sovereign, nurturing, motherly earth goddess. This is accompanied by a desire for a lost civilization from a bygone era that would have been just, peaceful, and wise. Mother Triple Goddess of maiden, mother, and crone. In their view, sexuality, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and other female reproductive processes, are ways that women may embody the Goddess, making the physical body sacred.

  • The Maiden represents enchantment, inception, expansion, the promise of new beginnings, birth, youth and youthful enthusiasm, represented by the waxing moon.
  • The Mother represents ripeness, fertility, sexuality, fulfilment, stability, power and life represented by the full moon.
  • The Crone represents wisdom, repose, death, and endings represented by the waning moon.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#Paranormal #DrScientist #Faery #ExtrasensoryPerception #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial





Faery, a mythical being of folklore and romance usually having magic powers and dwelling on earth in close relationship with humans. It can appear as a dwarf creature typically having green clothes and hair, living underground or in stone heaps, and characteristically exercising magic powers to benevolent ends; as a diminutive sprite commonly in the shape of a delicate, beautiful, ageless winged woman dressed in diaphanous white clothing, inhabiting fairyland, but making usually well-intentioned intervention in personal human affairs; or as a tiny, mischievous, and protective creature generally associated with a household hearth.

While many of these depictions are considered purely fictional, creatures such as Faery’s, somewhat like human beings but with abilities that transcend the physical realm, find correlates in the angels or other spiritual beings of many religions. When a belief in the afterlife and the realm of spirit are accepted, the existence of beings that have such “Supernatural” abilities becomes possible. Thus, it may be that the origin of such creatures lies not so much in the desire of human beings to experience all that the physical world has to offer, but rather in fleeting experiences of creatures from the spiritual realm.

While the term Faery goes back only to the Middle Ages in Europe, analogues to these beings in varying forms appear in both written and oral literature, from the Sanskrit gandharva to the Nymphs of Greek mythology and Homer, the Jinni of Arabic mythology, and similar folk characters of the Samoans, of the Arctic peoples, and of other Indigenous Americans.

Faery’s are generally portrayed as humanoid in appearance and as having supernatural abilities such as the ability to fly, cast spells, and to influence or foresee the future. Although in modern culture they are often depicted as young, sometimes winged, females of small stature, they originally were depicted much differently: Tall, radiant, angelic beings or short, wizened trolls being some of the commonly mentioned. Even with these small Faery’s, however, their small size may be magically assumed rather than constant. Wings, while common in Victorian artwork of Faery’s, are very rare in the folklore; even very small Faery’s flew with magic, sometimes flying on ragwort stems or the backs of birds.

Much folklore of Faery’s involves methods of protecting oneself from their malice, by means such as cold iron, charms of rowan trees or various herbs, or simply shunning locations “Known” to be theirs, ergo avoiding offending any Faery’s. Less harmful pranks ascribed to Faery’s include: tangling the hair of sleepers into Faery-locks, stealing small items, and leading a traveler astray. More dangerous behaviors were also attributed to Faery’s; any form of sudden death might have stemmed from a fairy kidnapping, the evident corpse a magical replica of wood. Consumption was sometimes blamed on Faery’s who forced young men and women to dance at revels every night, causing them to waste away from lack of rest. Rowan trees were considered Sacred to Faery’s, and a charm tree to protect one’s home.

Report a Faery? Have some Faery footage a cell integrated camera or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some Faery a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #MagicBag #BookOfShadows #WheelOfTheYear #MagicalHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #MagicSpell #Grimoire


Magic Bag


Magic Bag

Magic Bag is an amulet consisting of a flannel bag containing one or more magical items. It is a “Prayer In A Bag”, or a spell that can be carried with or on the host’s body. The creation of Magic Bags is an esoteric system that involves sometimes housing spirits inside of bags for either protection, healing, or harm and to consult with spirits. Other times Magic Bags are created to manifest results in a person’s life such as good-luck, money or love.

Magic Bags using leather or cloth and placed feathers, animal bones, animal teeth, claws, animal parts, roots, lucky hand root, herbs, bean, ceramics, glass beads, minerals, coins, crystals, good luck tokens, amulets, lizard’s tail, rabbit’s foot, a fish eye, snake skins, a beetle and other ingredients for protection. The more personalized objects are used to add extra power because of their symbolic value. Magic Bags can be hung from trees, tied to a string, worn underneath the clothes to cause an effect on the target. Magic Bags usually made by a respected community conjure Witchcraft Doctor. Natural ingredients have their own indwelling spirit that can be utilized in Magic Bags to bring luck and protection.

Witchcraft where it is said to drive away evil spirits, keep good luck in the household, manipulate a fortune, and lure and persuade lovers. The ideology of the ancestors and the descendants of the Magic Bag used this “Prayer In A Bag” based on their belief of spiritual inheritance, by which the omniscient forefathers of their families would provide protection and favor, especially when they used the Magic Bag. Through this, a strong belief was placed in the idealism of whoever used Witchcraft, creating a spiritual trust in the magic itself.

There is a process to fixing a proper Magic Bag. A ritual must be put in place in order to successfully prepare a Magic Bag by being filled and awakened to life. This can be done by smoking incense and candles, or it may be breathed upon to bring it to life. Prayers may be said, and other methods may be used to accomplish this essential step. Once prepared, the Magic Bag is “Dressed” or “Fed” with a liquid such as alcohol, perfume, or water. The reason it is said to feed the Magic Bag to keep it working is that it is alive with spirit.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#Spirituality #Philosophy #Atheism #WorkLifeBalance





The term “Atheist” describes a person who does not believe that God or a divine being exists. Worldwide there may be as many as a billion atheists, although social stigma, political pressure, and intolerance make accurate polling difficult. For the most part atheist and they have argued that the evidence in favor of God’s existence is too weak, or the arguments in favor of concluding there is no God are more compelling.

Atheism, in the broadest sense, is an absence of belief in the existence of deities. Less broadly, atheism is a rejection of the belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Despite the fuzzy definitions, researchers are beginning to home in on the factors that influence whether someone believes. According to this line of thinking, people with stronger analytical abilities are more likely to be nonbelievers, since belief in a higher power requires having faith in something that can’t be proven. The flip side of that argument is that believers may be more inclined toward intuitive thinking trusting their guts that a god exists, even in the absence of hard evidence.

Atheism is not an affirmative belief that there is no god nor does it answer any other question about what a person believes. It is simply a rejection of the assertion that there are gods. Atheism is too often defined incorrectly as a belief system. To be clear: Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods.

Atheism is not a belief system nor is it a religion. While there are some religions that are atheistic, that does not mean that atheism is a religion. To put it in a more humorous way: If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby.

Despite the fact that atheism is not a religion, atheism is protected by many of the same Constitutional rights that protect religion. That, however, does not mean that atheism is itself a religion, only that our sincerely held lack of beliefs are protected in the same way as the religious beliefs of others.

Science is based on the observation that the universe is governed by natural laws that can be tested and replicated through experiment. It serves as a reliable, rational basis for predictions and engineering. Like scientists, scientific skeptics use critical thinking to decide claims. They do not base claims on faith or other unfalsifiable categories.

Luc Paquin


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #MagicPotion #BookOfShadows #WheelOfTheYear #MagicalHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #MagicSpell #Grimoire


Magic Potion


Magic Potion

A Magic Potion is a liquid that contains medicine, or something that is supposed to have magic powers. It derives from the Latin word potus which referred to a drink or drinking. The Magic Potion is also used, often specifically for a love potion, a potion that is supposed to create feelings of love or attraction in the one who drinks it. Throughout history there have been several types of potions for a range of purposes. Emotions such as anger, fear and sadness are universal and as such potions have been created across history and cultures in response to these human emotions. Administered in small doses Magic Potion has been used in Witchcraft as an analgesic, an aphrodisiac and a remedy for infertility. Reasons for taking potions ranged from curing an illness, or love, or health care, or restorative, or hallucinogenic, Etc…

Considering that these practices align more with cultural views and beliefs, many of these individuals used Magic Potion and traditional medicine or alternative medicine. Magic Potions, in addition to calming teas or soup, were a common homemade treatment. When unable to go to a house member, early modern people would often go to the wise men or women of their village. Wise Wizard or Witch were knowledgeable in health care and could administer potions, lotions or salves in addition to performing prayers or chants.

So, let’s talk Magic Potion. Whether you think of them as mysterious plants that grow in the forest or the row of little bottles in your kitchen cabinet, they’re pretty useful, and they can be pretty confusing, even intimidating. What do you do with them? Which ones do I need? These Magic Potion will help you with almost any need or problem you may have, as we shall explain. If you’re a practitioner of a modern magical tradition, chances are good that you’re in the habit of using Magic Potion. Magic Potion; MagicalHerbs or Magical Oils plants in the form of oil and incense were elements of religious and therapeutic practices in early cultures worldwide. In addition, anointment with perfumes and fragrant oils was an almost universal practice.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#LudgerBedardConsultingPrivateDetective #LudgerBedard #NicolasRolin #CouhardPyramid #Laboratory #Alchemy #Detective #Adventurer #Occult #Paranormal #Magic #Alchemy #3DAnimation


Laboratory, Professional Master Chefs, and Wine Burgundy


Laboratory, Professional Master Chefs, and Wine Burgundy


Ludger had not been sleeping for more than an hour, when some tremors, affecting the entire cave, awoke him with a start. It felt like an underground rumbling similar to blasting in a mine. He got up, his head throbbing, his knee sore. He looked outside to find out the cause of the commotion. After convincing the horses to cross the cave, they exited by a side tunnel. They made rapid progress, stopping only for short rests. They would not need to follow narrow mountain trails. He was surprised to see the sky lit by some beautiful aurora borealis. The northern lights were dancing in the air making never-ending patterns. He was too tired to admire the spectacle.

Nicolas Rolin

Although his public and lucrative life probably incurred the animosity evident in these comments, they also reflect the rigid social structure of the ducal court; a system contemptuous towards non-nobles, such as Rolin. Rolin spent the majority of his life working for the Valois dukes of Burgundy, and while he was wealthier than many of those with titles around him, he was not noble. Whose famous rivalry with the Rolin family limited and then ended Rolin’s power in the final decade of his life. Battles for status in the hothouse of the Burgundian court system caused the ‘Vulgar Destructive Envy” that marks Rolin’s relationships with his noble contemporaries. He inherited lands in such famous wine-producing areas as Mersault, Auxey, Volnay, Beaune, and Pommard.

Laboratory, Professional Master Chefs, and Wine Burgundy (1480-1530)

Ludger became a noted alchemist of considerable talent, he expanded a collection of recipes, a famous book on cookery and cookery technique, thought to be one of the first professional treatises written in France and upon which the French gastronomic tradition was founded. Managing grapevines can be a surprisingly complicated process, especially when wine production is the end goal. Environmental factors like temperature, soil health, and solar radiation can significantly affect vine performance and fruit quality. Likewise, management-related factors like canopy management, irrigation, planting density, variety and rootstock choice, and site selection play an important role. Plus, grapevines often respond to each of these factors individually, and the interaction of multiple factors can also influence their response.

Ludger Bedard


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #ProtectiveAmulets #BookOfShadows #WheelOfTheYear #MagicalHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #MagicSpell #Grimoire


Protective Amulets


Protective Amulets

Protective Amulets, Charms, Talisman and Seals are sacred objects which are believed to posses certain powerful, magical and sacramental properties, which brings good luck, prosperity, power, and protection from evil or harm to its owner.

Protective Amulets have been used for over five thousand years and have also historically been used to protect people from the “Evil Eye”. This is the belief that a person or animal could harm another by staring at them with an evil eye and ancient clay tablets have been found that describe the damage that the evil eye can inflict. The Sumerian god Ea spent most of his time fighting the evil eye. Even today, in many parts of the world, the evil eye is considered a major threat, and various kinds of amulets are used to avert it. We believe it is important to take your time when choosing an amulet so you find the right one for your needs. As talismans are intended to provide power, energy and specific benefits, they are often made in times that are astrologically significant.

We have travelled the world and the studied the cultures, from ancient Egypt, traditional Italian, to Greece and even dancing with the Romany Gypsy’s to bring you a collection of amulets and talismans that are both protective and spellbound with awakenings to a higher consciousness.

An Protective Amulets is an object believed to confer protection upon its possessor. The word “Amulet” comes from the Latin word amuletum, an object that protects a person from trouble. Anything can function as an amulet; items commonly so used include statues, coins, drawings, plant parts, animal parts, and written words.

Amulets which are said to derive their extraordinary properties and powers from magic or those which impart luck are typically part of folk religion or paganism or Witchcraft, whereas amulets or sacred objects of formalised mainstream religion as in Christianity are believed to have no power of their own without faith in Jesus and being blessed by a clergyman, and they supposedly will also not provide any preternatural benefit to the bearer who does not have an appropriate disposition. Talisman and amulets have interchangeable meaning. Amulets refer to any object which has the power to avert evil influences or ill luck. An amulet is an object that is generally worn for protection and made from a durable material. Amulets can be applied to paper examples as well; however, the word ‘Talisman’ is typically used to describe these. Amulets are sometimes confused with pendants, small aesthetic objects that hang from necklaces. Any given pendant may indeed be an amulet but so may any other object that purportedly protects its holder from danger.

Protective Amulets Magic is a type of magic intended to turn away harm or evil influences, as in deflecting misfortune or averting the evil eye. Apotropaic observances may also be practiced out of superstition or out of tradition, as in good luck charms, amulets, or gestures such as crossed fingers or knocking on wood. Many different objects and charms were used for protection throughout history.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #MagicalCharcoal #Brazier #BookOfShadows #WheelOfTheYear #MagicalHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #MagicSpell #Grimoire


Magical Charcoal and Brazier


Magical Charcoal

Charcoal is a lightweight black carbon residue produced by strongly heating wood or other plant materials in minimal oxygen to remove all water and volatile constituents. In the traditional version of this pyrolysis process, called charcoal burning, often by forming a charcoal kiln, the heat is supplied by burning part of the starting material itself, with a limited supply of oxygen. Japanese charcoal has had pyroligneous acid removed during the charcoal making, it therefore produces almost no smell or smoke when burned. Natural Charcoals carefully made from compressed coconut shells. Magical charcoal are odorless and tasteless.

Magical Charcoal is used in food to colour it black and for its supposed health benefits. Activated charcoal, typically made from bamboo or coconut shell, is used as a food ingredient. It gives food an earthy, smoky taste and the black colouring gives the food an exotic, fashionable appearance.

Magical Charcoal for use with Magical Herbs for Ritual, Spells and Incense Making.


A brazier is a container used to burn charcoal or other solid fuel for cooking, heating or cultural rituals. It often takes the form of a metal box or bowl with feet. Its elevation helps circulate air, feeding oxygen to the fire. While a fire burns in this brass brazier, you can use an action to speak the brazier’s command word and summon a fire elemental, as if you had cast the conjure elemental Magical Herbs for Ritual, Spells and Incense.

The essence burner is inspired by classic shapes of ancient braziers. Line is marked by a simple hemispherical bowl supported by three legs that form of scrolls. In the midst of these three should be placed at the Magical Charcoal as a real fire in miniature. The effect that comes out is fascinating. The smoke rising from the brazier making it seem almost magical. Its use is very old and ranged from more normal domestic use up to those religious ritual object or as a votive gift gives a further fascinating and magical energy. Suitable also as witchcraft Magical Herbs for Ritual, Spells and Incense.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother


#Paranormal #DrScientist #ExtrasensoryPerception #Cryptozoology #Telekinesis #Poltergeists #Ghost #UFO #Alien #Extraterrestrial





A poltergeist haunting is characterized by the violent manipulation of physical objects, such as items flying through the air. There is some disagreement among the professional community regarding what a poltergeist actually is. The most common theory is that it is the presence of a living being that brings energy to a home that a spirit, or poltergeist, uses to interact with the living.

Removing that person from the environment will end the poltergeist activity. However, if another human with a unique life energy enters that house, the poltergeist may harness this energy and continue to torment the residents of the home.

Determining the difference between poltergeist activity and ghosts or haunting activity can be difficult. While ghost and haunting activity is the result of spirit energy, poltergeist activity is the result of psychic energy generated by a person, referred to as an agent.

But how do you know there might be poltergeist activity in your home? Most often, you’ll know if you have it because it is out of the ordinary and pretty obvious: sounds, movements, and odors of unknown origin. There could be more mundane, every day causes for the activity. For example, smells of unknown origin could be wafting in from an open window, lightings flickering on and off could be faulty wiring.

Disappearing Objects

You put your set of keys or your cell phone down in the place you always put it. You turn around a minute later and it’s gone. You and your family search high and low for it, but it cannot be found. Later, sometimes days later or longer—the object mysteriously reappears in the very place you always put it. More bizarrely, you later find it in a ridiculous place, like high on a bookshelf, in a shoebox in the closet or some other spot where you’d never put it in a million years.

Objects Levitating or Thrown

You’re sitting there watching TV, totally engrossed in a dramatic movie, when suddenly the bowl of popcorn you’ve been munching from rises from the coffee table, floats through the air a few feet, then drops to the floor. The movement of physical objects like this can be quite dramatic.

Scents and Odors

No one in your house smokes, yet on occasion, the distinct smell of cigarette or cigar smoke can be detected in the bathroom. Or as you’re dressing for bed, suddenly the overpowering scent of lilacs fills the room. As stated above, all kinds of smells can enter your house from the outside, even from a passing car, so such scents might not necessarily mean poltergeist. Such scents and odors can also be a sign of ghost activity as they might be associated with a spirit or with a residual haunting.

Power From Nowhere

You think that’s odd, but you switch it off and put it back down. Thinking there’s something wrong with the switch, you open the battery compartment to remove the batteries, but there are no batteries in it.

Knocks, Rappings, Footsteps, and Other Noises

No one else is. So where’s that knocking coming from? Suddenly, all the chatter stops when everyone’s attention is drawn to the sound of footsteps coming up the basement stairs.

Physical Attacks

The constant yelling and screaming are driving her crazy. He poltergeist activity, from unexplained bangs to flying coffee pots—has been escalating at the household. It got at its worst received sharp slaps across the face, seemingly from an unseen hand.

How Do You Recognize a Poltergeist?

An experienced paranormal investigator or parapsychologist might be able to help you determine if what is taking place in your home is poltergeist activity can sometimes exhibit similar effects, or whether there is a logical, non-paranormal explanation. Various kinds of stresses can be the cause of this activity, including emotional, physical, psychological, and even hormonal stresses, and so the investigator should try to examine the personal.

Report a poltergeist? Have some poltergeist footage a cell integrated camera or a movie camera or a video camera? Have some poltergeist a picture? The Sassquatch’s Lair, www.sassquatch.org, Paranormal, Name, Email, Comment or Message, Submit…

Dr. Scientist


#Magic #TLBWB #HighPriest #Witchcraft #Wizard #Witch #Ostara #MarchEquinox #BookOfShadows #WheelOfTheYear #MagicalHerbs #MagicalOils #Incense #Pentacle #MagicCircle #MagicSpell #Grimoire




March Equinox

The March Equinox is the equinox on the Earth when the subsolar point appears to leave the Southern Hemisphere and cross the celestial equator, heading northward as seen from Earth. In astronomy, the March Equinox is the zero point of sidereal time and, consequently, right ascension. It also serves as a reference for calendars and celebrations in many cultures and religions.


Chances are, you come across some stories that the presenters claim are ancient, and reach into the pre-Christian past. One popular story you might have seen recently involves the origin of the Easter Bunny. Essentially, the tale is that Ostara, the ancient Germanic goddess of the spring, transformed a bird into a hare, and the hare responded by laying colored eggs for her festival.

The celebration of spring is present in many ancient customs, across all cultures, and it seems that Witchcraft has borrowed from many of them for Ostara. Like many other spring celebrations in other cultures, Ostara symbolizes fertility, rebirth, and renewal. This time of year marked the beginning of the agricultural cycle, and farmers would start planting seeds.

Many of the symbols of Ostara have roots in other traditions, and the use of rabbits and hares is one such example. In medieval times in Europe, the March hare was seen as a fertility symbol, and a sign of spring. This species of rabbit is nocturnal most of the year, but in March, it is mating season for the animal. During mating season, March hares are seen all day long. Additionally, females of this species can get pregnant with a second litter while pregnant with their first litter. This explains why they were used as symbols for fertility.

Modern day Witchcraft might go outside to meditate and perform a simple ritual to welcome the spring. Another common way to celebrate the coming spring is to plant seeds. Some families incorporate seasonal candy, such as peeps and chocolate rabbits, with their kids to help them get in the spirit of the event.

Ostara is also a good time to freshen up your home and life. Take time to do some spring cleaning. Cleaning isn’t just limited to your home. Take some time to declutter and clean up areas where you spend a lot of time, like your car, your computer or your work office.

Traditional colors of this season combine the cold colors of Winter with warm Summer colors to form the pastel shades of lavender, pink, green and yellow.


The lamb is another symbol of Ostara and was sacred to virtually all the virgin goddesses of Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The lamb, too, has been carried over to the new religious festival of Easter.

Easter Basket

The Easter basket is filled with Witchcraft symbols, colored and decorated eggs, chocolate bunnies and little chicks. The origin of the basket itself is thought to be closely linked to eggs, because it is believed that the earliest people were inspired to weave baskets by watching birds build the nests in which they laid their eggs.

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The Lost Bearded White Brother

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